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Shira Weingarten-Gabbay, Ph.D.

Concepts (88)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Histocompatibility Antigens Class I3202313381.180 Why?
Open Reading Frames320228090.780 Why?
Epitopes, T-Lymphocyte220238710.750 Why?
Protein Biosynthesis5202421060.700 Why?
Viruses120223750.640 Why?
Peptides5202343120.620 Why?
Genome, Viral320206630.570 Why?
Promoter Regions, Genetic3201957610.530 Why?
RNA Caps12016760.520 Why?
Transcription, Genetic2201975700.420 Why?
Enhancer Elements, Genetic2201913280.410 Why?
Proteome1202118110.380 Why?
Genome, Human3201943590.290 Why?
RNA, Messenger62024127420.280 Why?
RNA1201426920.240 Why?
Codon, Initiator12024500.230 Why?
Gene Expression Regulation32019118420.220 Why?
Histocompatibility Antigens120234530.210 Why?
Eukaryotic Initiation Factor-4G12022690.200 Why?
Ribosome Subunits1202140.200 Why?
Sequence Analysis, DNA3201947040.190 Why?
Conserved Sequence1202411720.180 Why?
DNA1201471990.170 Why?
TATA Box120191270.160 Why?
Antigen Presentation2202112400.160 Why?
Transcription Factors22019120400.160 Why?
Mass Spectrometry2202221710.160 Why?
HLA Antigens1202313400.160 Why?
Binding Sites2201960250.150 Why?
3' Untranslated Regions220185200.140 Why?
Sequence Analysis, RNA2201619830.140 Why?
Histocompatibility Antigens Class II1202114200.140 Why?
High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing3201936100.140 Why?
RNA, Ribosomal, 18S12016570.130 Why?
Base Pairing120161380.130 Why?
Nucleosomes120194800.130 Why?
HEK293 Cells2202141790.130 Why?
RNA Viruses120161100.120 Why?
5' Untranslated Regions120162520.120 Why?
Gene Expression Regulation, Viral120164370.110 Why?
Kinetics1202163540.110 Why?
Viral Proteins1202017990.110 Why?
RNA, Viral2202028180.110 Why?
Gene Expression Regulation, Fungal120154980.110 Why?
Regulatory Elements, Transcriptional120141840.110 Why?
Oligonucleotides120165800.100 Why?
Mutagenesis1201612250.100 Why?
CD8-Positive T-Lymphocytes1202345180.090 Why?
Alleles1202168310.090 Why?
Amino Acid Sequence12021134930.080 Why?
Environment1201511110.080 Why?
Humans1320237460700.070 Why?
Genomics2202156970.060 Why?
Immunotherapy1202145940.060 Why?
Saccharomyces cerevisiae1201526860.060 Why?
Gene Expression Profiling1202093130.060 Why?
T-Lymphocytes12021100180.060 Why?
Peptide Chain Initiation, Translational12024990.060 Why?
Eukaryota12024990.050 Why?
Yeasts120242810.050 Why?
Gene Expression1201575790.050 Why?
MicroRNAs1201837440.050 Why?
Protein Binding1201492800.050 Why?
Receptor, Fibroblast Growth Factor, Type 1120212420.040 Why?
Mammals1202411240.040 Why?
Molecular Sequence Annotation120205230.040 Why?
Nucleic Acid Conformation120218890.040 Why?
Animals420241663080.040 Why?
Rabbits1202447830.040 Why?
Ribosomes120204880.040 Why?
Structure-Activity Relationship1202130770.030 Why?
Decision Trees120175030.030 Why?
Proteins2202260000.030 Why?
HeLa Cells1202130780.030 Why?
Mice12021800650.030 Why?
Genes, Reporter1201815310.030 Why?
Databases, Genetic1201717310.020 Why?
Transcriptional Activation1201517520.020 Why?
Cell Cycle1201529210.020 Why?
Cell Line12020156300.020 Why?
Cell Proliferation12021103030.020 Why?
Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic1202183590.020 Why?
Single-Cell Analysis1201522880.010 Why?
Male120213510980.010 Why?
Female120213821290.010 Why?
Models, Biological1201594430.010 Why?
Mutation12021296200.010 Why?
Neoplasms12021216810.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.