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Lynn A. Sleeper, Sc.D.
Co-Authors (162)
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Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Agus, Michael
Albert, Ben
Alexander, Mark
Alexander, Peta-Maree
Alexandrescu, Sanda
Alrayashi, Walid
Alvarez, Jorge
Arnold, John
Baird, Christopher
Bellinger, David
Benson, Carol
Beroukhim, Rebecca
Bierer, Barbara
Blitz, Sarah
Blume, Elizabeth
Bonello, Kristin
Bradford, Victoria
Breitbart, Roger
Brown, David
Brown, Morgan
Brownstein, Catherine
Brusseau, Roland
Calderwood, Stephen
Castellanos, Daniel
Chung, Wendy
Colan, Steven
Cox, Gerald
Cravero, Joseph
Daly, Kevin
Del Nido, Pedro
Desai, Akshay
DeWitt, Elizabeth
DiNardo, James
Dionne, Audrey
Dominici, Laura
Duggan, Christopher
Eklund, Susan
Emani, Sirisha
Emani, Sitaram
Esch, Jesse
Esteso, Paul
Faraoni, David
Feins, Eric
Feldman, Henry
Ferraro, Alessandra
Fichorova, Raina
Fitzmaurice, Garrett
Frates, Mary
Frelinger, Andrew
Friedman, Kevin
Fynn-Thompson, Francis
Gagoski, Borjan
Geva, Alon
Geva, Tal
Ghbeis, Muhammad
Ghelani, Sunil
Goldstein, Richard
Gurvitz, Michelle
Guseh, Stephanie
Hames, Daniel
Hammer, Peter
Harrild, David
Haynes, Robin
Hickey, Kelsey
Hill, Kevin
Ho, Carolyn
Ho, Jennifer
Hoganson, David
Holm, Ingrid
Hornstein, Mark
Ibla, Juan
Jarolim, Petr
Karchmer, Adolf
Kaza, Aditya
Keane, Terence
Kelly, Daniel
Kerstein, Jason
Kheir, John
Kinney, Hannah
Kobayashi, Ryan
Kossowsky, Joe
Kussman, Barry
Kwon, Michael
Lacro, Ronald
Landzberg, Michael
Laussen, Peter
Leopold, Jane
Levine, Jami
Levy, Philip
Lipsitz, Stuart
Macklin, Eric
Mah, Douglas
Mandell, Frederick
Mandl, Kenneth
Marx, Gerald
Mayer, John
Mayourian, Joshua
Mehta, Nilesh
Michelson, Alan
Mills, Kimberly
Mistry, Kshitij
Mizrahi-Arnaud, Arielle
Morton, Sarah
Moynihan, Katie
Mullen, Mary
Nasr, Viviane
Nathan, Meena
Natter, Marc
Newburger, Jane
Nimec, Donna
Okaty, Benjamin
O'Leary, Edward
Orav, E.
Perez-Atayde, Antonio
Picard, Michael
Platt, Orah
Porras, Diego
Powell, Andrew
Prabhu, Sanjay
Prakash, Ashwin
Priebe, Gregory
Quinonez, Luis
Rahbar, Reza
Rakoff-Nahoum, Seth
Rathod, Rahul
Rivkin, Michael
Roberts, Amy
Robertson, Richard
Ronai, Christina
Roy, Nathalie
Salvin, Joshua
Samsel, Chase
Sanders, Stephen
Schidlow, David
Seidman, Christine
Seidman, Jonathan
Shaikh, Raja
Singh, Michael
Singh, Tajinder
Solomon, Scott
Sperotto, Francesca
Sundel, Robert
Teele, Sarah
Tella, Joseph
Teot, Lisa
Thatte, Nikhil
Thiagarajan, Ravi Ram
Trenor, Cameron
Triedman, John
Tworetzky, Wayne
Ubeda Tikkanen, Ana
Valente, Anne Marie
Vargas, Sara
Vasterling, Jennifer
Volpe, Joseph
Walsh, Edward
Warfield, Simon
Wilkins-Haug, Louise
Williams, Ryan
Wolfe, Joanne
Yin, Suellen
Zielonka, Benjamin
Sleeper's Networks
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Concepts (701)
Derived automatically from this person's publications.
Shock, Cardiogenic
Heart Defects, Congenital
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
Tetralogy of Fallot
Norwood Procedures
Co-Authors (162)
People in Profiles who have published with this person.
Newburger, Jane
Colan, Steven
Friedman, Kevin
Geva, Tal
Baird, Christopher
Similar People (60)
People who share similar concepts with this person.
Newburger, Jane
Solomon, Scott
Emani, Sitaram
Geva, Tal
Del Nido, Pedro
Same Department
People in same department with this person.
Balasubbramanian, Dakshnapriya
Brooks, Alexandra
Fischer, Sylvia
Fogler, Jason
Pusic, Martin