Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Rebecca Lynn Weintraub, M.D.

Concepts (88)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
General Practice12022960.770 Why?
Immunization Programs120202680.590 Why?
Schools, Medical220248780.560 Why?
Delivery of Health Care3202053320.440 Why?
Decision Support Systems, Clinical1202211720.430 Why?
Health Resources120199350.430 Why?
Hospitals, University120115640.330 Why?
Education, Medical1201917260.290 Why?
Diffusion of Innovation120117260.260 Why?
Universities120119930.260 Why?
Health Services Needs and Demand1201314030.250 Why?
Ileal Neoplasms12004200.230 Why?
Medical Assistance120231080.200 Why?
Software1201544260.190 Why?
Public Health3202326650.180 Why?
Mass Vaccination120211090.170 Why?
Electronic Health Records1201547890.150 Why?
Government Agencies120181600.150 Why?
Health Care Rationing120214370.150 Why?
Workflow120228510.150 Why?
Health Policy3202126800.140 Why?
Rwanda120196650.140 Why?
Pharmaceutical Services120181410.140 Why?
Education, Public Health Professional12015270.120 Why?
Vaccination3202433750.120 Why?
Health Services Accessibility2202454210.120 Why?
Education, Graduate12015750.120 Why?
International Cooperation1202114280.120 Why?
Health Plan Implementation120153370.100 Why?
Problem-Based Learning120153530.100 Why?
Uganda1201513320.090 Why?
Organizations120111710.090 Why?
Medical Records Systems, Computerized1201511910.080 Why?
Cohort Studies22022413660.080 Why?
Models, Organizational120115460.070 Why?
Evidence-Based Medicine1201936850.070 Why?
Socioeconomic Factors1202178170.070 Why?
HIV Infections12013173280.070 Why?
Humans1720247604370.070 Why?
Multiple Myeloma1200451430.060 Why?
Hospitals, Municipal12005190.060 Why?
Health Education1201110520.060 Why?
Annexin A212003440.060 Why?
Plasminogen120031460.050 Why?
Pandemics1202386230.050 Why?
Information Dissemination1201111270.050 Why?
Africa120247090.050 Why?
Fatal Outcome1200418320.040 Why?
Massachusetts1201188260.040 Why?
Patient Admission1200513670.040 Why?
Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice1201139960.030 Why?
Pharmacists120182590.030 Why?
Prospective Studies12019543390.030 Why?
Guidelines as Topic1202113850.030 Why?
Monocytes1200325720.030 Why?
Inpatients1200525450.030 Why?
United States42024722020.030 Why?
Drug Industry120187880.020 Why?
Male420243600350.020 Why?
Pharmaceutical Preparations1201810870.020 Why?
United States Food and Drug Administration1201816630.020 Why?
Adult220222207810.020 Why?
Healthcare Disparities1202433440.020 Why?
Diagnosis, Differential12004129690.020 Why?
Macrophages1200357640.020 Why?
Female320243918750.020 Why?
San Francisco120051620.020 Why?
Self Disclosure120052490.010 Why?
Thioglycolates12003380.010 Why?
Utilization Review120053820.010 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies12024260630.010 Why?
Incidence12021213220.010 Why?
Infant12024361830.010 Why?
Child, Preschool12024422090.010 Why?
Housing120056670.010 Why?
Medical Records1200514070.010 Why?
Health Care Surveys1200524250.010 Why?
Tissue Plasminogen Activator1200311630.010 Why?
Interviews as Topic1200526830.010 Why?
Child12024800860.010 Why?
Adolescent12024881960.010 Why?
Extracellular Matrix1200317250.010 Why?
Residence Characteristics1200520870.010 Why?
Immunoglobulin G1200345490.010 Why?
Cell Movement1200351980.010 Why?
Aged120041688400.010 Why?
Cell Differentiation12003115260.000 Why?
Middle Aged120052203820.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.