Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Sneha Saxena, Ph.D.

Co-Authors (10)

Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
This cluster graph shows the co-authors (green circles) and top co-authors of co-authors (blue circles) of Sneha Saxena (red circle). The size of a circle is proportional to the number of publications that author has. The thickness of a line connecting two authors' names is proportional to the number of publications that they share. Options for customizing this network view are listed below the graph.
Ellisen LBeroukhim RRamos-Morales ATing DLee RVan Allen EGunawardena JSadreyev RShalek AMilosevic JTsao HMooradian MGentleman RAguirre AScadden DGiovannucci EHarris MAbraham KRheinbay ESykes DGocheva VEl Zarif TToner MFukumura DNaxerova KDuda GFaden DMichor FCarey VSlack FIafrate ASakhtemani RLoda MOtt CWeiskopf KKaelin WKufe DLi CMaheswaran SBaca SFreedman MLander ECorcoran RHeist RPikman YStegmaier KChabner BDyson NHung YSarosiek KYaffe MSubudhi SSanidas IGolub TFerreira RHillis AHeather JYeap BWillers HMeador CBar-Peled LSchneider JAsara JMeyerson MLouissaint AMino-Kenudson MJain RMucci LCantley LKlempner SGainor JGetz GLin JSequist LSchmidt DDagogo-Jack IGui DShaw APiotrowska ZSullivan MLan LShu JManguso RLawrence MNabel CHata AVander Heiden MOh EPatel PKawale ASaxena S
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Saxena's Networks
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Concepts (76)
Co-Authors (10)
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.