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Emmett Alexander Kistler, M.D.

Similar People (60)

Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity.
Name Also Co-Authors Similarity Score Why?
Carlos Arturo Camargo, Jr., Dr.P.H., M.D.7.378
Vicki A. Jackson, M.D.6.075
Joanne Wolfe, M.D.6.011
Jennifer Sue Temel, M.D.5.538
Christine Seel Ritchie, M.D.4.989
James Aaron Tulsky, M.D.4.825
Zara R Cooper, M.D.4.550
Thomas Jay Smith, Ph.D.4.250
Areej El-Jawahri, M.D.3.855
Leah Beth Rosenberg, M.D.3.711
Eric Lewis Krakauer, M.D., Ph.D.3.493
Juliet C. Jacobsen, M.D.3.454
Haider Javed Warraich, M.B.,B.S.3.186
Susan Dale Block, M.D.3.085
Joseph Greer, Ph.D. Yes 3.051
Joshua Robert Lakin, M.D.2.967
Jennifer Williams Mack, M.D.2.927
Tracy Ann Balboni, M.D.2.923
Emily Loving Aaronson, M.D.2.895
Kei Ouchi, M.D.2.743
Douglas Smink, M.D.2.463
Charlotta Lindvall, M.D., Ph.D.2.290
Ali Shahbaz Raja, D.B.A., M.D.2.180
Jennifer Malia Snaman, M.D.2.150
Mark Ian Neuman, M.D.1.959
Leon Dahomey Sanchez, M.D.1.958
Christopher Paul Landrigan, M.D.1.942
Grace C. Huang, M.D.1.912
Mark Stoltenberg, M.D.1.882
Subha Ramani, M.B.,B.S., M.Med., Ph.D.1.879
Roy Phitayakorn, M.D.1.868
Theodore Allan Stern, M.D. Yes 1.858
Rachelle Emily Bernacki, M.D.1.833
Elizabeth Lilley, M.D.1.820
Maurizio Fava, M.D.1.797
Margaret Samuels-Kalow, M.D.1.782
Bruce Evan Landon, M.D.1.775
Janet Lee Abrahm, M.D.1.748
Eli Miloslavsky, M.D.1.746
John Yohan Rhee, M.D.1.712
Deepak L. Bhatt, M.D.1.707
Vinod Easwaran Nambudiri, M.D.1.696
Ryan David Nipp, M.D.1.685
Ramin Khorasani, M.D.,C.M.1.678
Samantha Laura Gelfand, M.D.1.669
David Westfall Bates, M.D.1.628
Richard Gary Bachur, M.D.1.628
Christina Kathleen Ullrich, M.D.1.549
Richard Elliot Leiter, M.D.1.533
Kohei Hasegawa, M.D.1.470
Susan Lisa Mitchell, M.D.1.445
Nathan Ivan Shapiro, M.D.1.425
Elyse R Park, Ph.D.1.419
Ariel S Winn, M.D.1.414
Nancy Lynn Keating, M.D.1.380
Scott Beach, M.D.1.345
Stacey Tutt Gray, M.D.1.343
Maria Anthony Yialamas, M.D.1.337
Katie Fitzgerald Jones, Ph.D.1.331
Brook Calton, M.D.1.329
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.