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Marc Steven Sabatine, M.D.
Co-Authors (165)
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Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Altshuler, David
Anderson, Christopher
Antman, Elliott
Aragam, Krishna
Aroda, Vanita
Asnani, Aarti
Auchincloss, Hugh
Austin-Tse, Christina
Baggish, Aaron
Bellavia, Andrea
Benson, Mark
Berg, David
Bergmark, Brian
Berriz, Gabriel
Boden, William
Bohula May, Erin
Bonaca, Marc
Braunwald, Eugene
Brown, David
Cannon, Christopher
Chae, Claudia
Chasman, Dan
Chatur, Safia
Cheng, Susan
Chopra, Amit
Christiani, David
Christophi, Costas
Chutkow, William
Claggett, Brian
Cohen, Marc
Connors, Jean
Croce, Kevin
Cutlip, Donald
Das, Saumya
Dec, George
Deo, Rahul
Desai, Akshay
Eley, Samuel
Ellinor, Patrick
Fang, Leslie
Feinberg, Mark
Fifer, Michael
Finucane, Hilary
Flannick, Jason
Florez, Jose
Fox, Caroline
Franco, Oscar
Frelinger, Andrew
French, William
Frosch, Matthew
Furie, Bruce
Gaba, Prakriti
Gao, Run Ze
Garfinkel, Amanda
Gaziano, Thomas
Gerszten, Robert
Gibson, C.
Gillette, Michael
Giugliano, Robert
Glimcher, Laurie
Glynn, Robert
Gupta, Rajat
Halford, Jennifer
Hegde, Sheila
Hernandez, Adrian
Hirschhorn, Joel
Ho, Jennifer
Hofman, Albert
Huffman, Jennifer
Huskamp, Haiden
Ieong, Michael
Isselbacher, Eric
Jaffer, Farouc
Jamaiyar, Anurag
Jang, Ik-Kyung
Januzzi, James
Jarolim, Petr
Jering, Karola
Kakkar, Rahul
Kanarek, David
Kang, Yu Mi
Kaur, Gurleen
Khera, Amit
Khurshid, Shaan
Kiel, Douglas
Kim, Edy
Kosowsky, Joshua
Lau, Emily
Lee, Richard
Lewis, Gregory
Libby, Peter
Lin, Charles
Lopes, Mathew
Loscalzo, Joseph
Lu, Michael
Lubitz, Steven
Marcusa, Daniel
Mark, Eugene
Marston, Nicholas
McClintick, Daniel
McGrath, Martina
Meigs, James
Melloni, Giorgio
Michelson, Alan
Mootha, Vamsi
Morrow, David
Moskowitz, Michael
Moura, Filipe
Nahrendorf, Matthias
Natarajan, Pradeep
Nauffal, Victor
Neuen, Brendon
Newton-Cheh, Christopher
O'Donnell, Christopher
O'Donoghue, Michelle
O'Gara, Patrick
Ostrominski, John
Pabon Porras, Maria
Palacios, Igor
Patel, Siddharth
Pfeffer, Marc
Piazza, Gregory
Plutzky, Jorge
Pradhan, Aruna
Preiss, David
Redline, Susan
Rehm, Heidi
Rhee, Eugene
Ridker, Paul
Rifai, Nader
Rosand, Jonathan
Rosenzweig, Anthony
Ruff, Christian
Sacks, Frank
Sarma, Amy
Saxena, Richa
Schaefer, Inga-Marie
Scirica, Benjamin
Seidman, Christine
Seidman, Jonathan
Silverman, Michael
Skali, Hicham
Small, Aeron
Smith, George
Solomon, Scott
Stone, James
Sun, Yee-Ping
Systrom, David
Talmor, Daniel
Tanasijevic, Milenko
Tearney, Guillermo
Tzani, Aspasia
Udler, Miriam
Vaduganathan, Muthiah
Vinegoni, Claudio
Waks, Jonathan
Wang, Xiaowen
Watts, Gerald
Weissleder, Ralph
Weng, Lu-Chen
Wiviott, Stephen
Yeh, Robert
Zalloua, Pierre
Zimerman, Andre
Zimetbaum, Peter
Sabatine's Networks
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Concepts (794)
Derived automatically from this person's publications.
Cholesterol, LDL
Anticholesteremic Agents
Myocardial Infarction
Benzhydryl Compounds
Co-Authors (165)
People in Profiles who have published with this person.
Wiviott, Stephen
Bonaca, Marc
O'Donoghue, Michelle
Giugliano, Robert
Braunwald, Eugene
Similar People (60)
People who share similar concepts with this person.
Solomon, Scott
Ridker, Paul
Giugliano, Robert
Cannon, Christopher
Braunwald, Eugene
Same Department
People in same department with this person.
Braunwald, Eugene
Gerhard-Herman, Marie
Kim, Yuri
Lilly, Leonard
Tadros, Thomas
Physical Neighbors
People whose addresses are nearby this person.
Sobieszczyk, Piotr
Gaziano, Thomas
Wu, Justina
Piazza, Gregory
Seropian, Katherine