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Lorenzo Berra, M.D.
Co-Authors (137)
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Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Ackman, Jeanne
Alcala, Glasiele
Alladina, Jehan
Allain, Rae
Amato, Marcelo
Anekwe, Chika
Babitt, Jodie
Baccarelli, Andrea
Baedorf-Kassis, Elias
Bagchi, Aranya
Barth, William
Bartley, Bethany
Benamar, Mehdi
Bhosle, Amrisha
Bittner, Edward
Bloch, Donald
Bonventre, Joseph
Bose, Somnath
Bottiroli, Maurizio
Bradley, Matthew
Brown, Emery
Brunker, Patricia
Bruno, Giovanni
Bry, Lynn
Carroll, Ryan
Cereda, Maurizio
Chan, Andrew
Chang, Marvin
Charbonnier, Louis-Marie
Chatila, Talal
Christiani, David
Christou, Helen
Coffey, El Centro
Collier, Ai-ris
Colvin, Robert
Crestani, Elena
Crowley, Jerome
D'Alessandro, David
Das Adhikari, Upasana
Delaney, Mary
Di Fenza, Raffaele
Donnino, Michael
Drew, David
Dzik, Walter
Ecker, Jeffrey
Ekkapat, Gamonmas
Fintelmann, Florian
Gardner, Kelly
Gaulton, Timothy
Ghosh, Sreya
Giammatteo, Valentina
Gibson, Lauren
Goldberg, Marcia
Goverman, Jeremy
Griffith, Jason
Hao, David
Hardin, Charles
Healy, Brian
Heeney, Matthew
Hibbert, Kathryn
Hohmann, Elizabeth
Houle, Timothy
Huang, Mary
Hurley, Bryan
Huttenhower, Curtis
Ichinose, Fumito
Imber, David
Jesudasen, Sirus
Johnson-Akeju, Oluwaseun
Kalpathy-Cramer, Jayashree
Klompas, Michael
Kuntz, Thomas
Kuo, Alexander
Kwo, Jean
Kwon, Douglas
Lai, Peggy
Lai, Yvonne
Lama, Tenzing
Lang, Min
Li, Jonathan
Makar, Robert
Malhotra, Rajeev
Marutani, Eizo
McKay, Tina
Melnitchouk, Serguei
Mietto, Cristina
Mootha, Vamsi
Mueller, Ariel
Nagrebetsky, Alexander
Nahrendorf, Matthias
Nakagawa, Akito
Nguyen, Long
North, Crystal
Nova, Alice
Okin, Daniel
Paganoni, Sabrina
Phipatanakul, Wanda
Pian-Smith, May
Pinciroli, Riccardo
Pishesha, Novalia
Qu, Jason
Ranjeva, Sylvia
Ribeiro De Santis Santiago, Roberta
Roberts, Jesse
Rodriguez-Lopez, Josanna
Rosales, Ivy
Roy, Nathalie
Rubin, Jonah
Sabbisetti, Venkata
Safaee Fakhr, Bijan
Sakano, Takashi
Santer, Peter
Schaefer, Maximilian
Seiguer Shenoy, Erica
Shaefi, Shahzad
Shelton, Kenneth
Shetty, Naman
Silverman, Michael
Sonny, Abraham
Spina, Stefano
Suleiman, Aiman
Thompson, B.
Thompson, Kelsey
Wachtendorf, Luca
Watkins, Michael
Weissleder, Ralph
Westover, Michael
White-Dzuro, Gabrielle
Wiener-Kronish, Jeanine
Winkler, Tilo
Winterton, Dario
Xin, Yi
Yonker, Lael
Yu, Binglan
Zanoni, Ivan
Zazzeron, Luca
Ziehr, David
Berra's Networks
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Concepts (420)
Derived automatically from this person's publications.
Respiration, Artificial
Intubation, Intratracheal
Pneumonia, Ventilator-Associated
Nitric Oxide
Co-Authors (137)
People in Profiles who have published with this person.
Yu, Binglan
Bittner, Edward
Pinciroli, Riccardo
Di Fenza, Raffaele
Chang, Marvin
Similar People (60)
People who share similar concepts with this person.
Loscalzo, Joseph
Thompson, B.
Klompas, Michael
Talmor, Daniel
Amato, Marcelo
Same Department
People in same department with this person.
Cao, Chang
Douglas, Ayooluwa
Ginsburg, Gregory
Huang, Qinglan
Powell, William
Physical Neighbors
People whose addresses are nearby this person.
Firth, Paul
Baker, Keith
Winkler, Tilo
Chen, Lucy
Goldman, Julian