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Joaquin Bellmunt Molins, M.D.

Similar People (60)

Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity.
Name Also Co-Authors Similarity Score Why?
Toni K. Choueiri, M.D. Yes 1024.
Quoc-Dien Trinh, M.D. Yes 505.1
Jason Alexander Efstathiou, M.D., Ph.D. Yes 292.9
Keisuke Shigeta, M.D., Ph.D.264.0
David Francis McDermott, M.D. Yes 256.0
Adam Stuart Kibel, M.D. Yes 238.9
Matthew Mossanen, M.D. Yes 233.2
William Upjohn Shipley, M.D. Yes 220.8
Michael Blute, M.D.219.1
Bradley McGregor, M.D. Yes 218.0
Paul Gerard Guy Richardson, M.B.,B.S.213.2
Keith Thomas Flaherty, M.D.194.7
Philip Kantoff, M.D. Yes 187.9
Anthony V. D'Amico, M.D., Ph.D.175.4
Boris Gershman, M.D.173.8
Brent Keith Hollenbeck, M.D.170.0
Kenneth Carl Anderson, M.D.164.2
Sabina Signoretti, M.D. Yes 163.8
Anthony Zietman, M.B.,B.S., M.D.156.9
Eric Paul Winer, M.D.152.5
Mary-Ellen Taplin, M.D. Yes 145.6
Adam Scott Feldman, M.D.143.1
Paul Linh Nguyen, M.D. Yes 142.1
David Joseph Kwiatkowski, M.D., Ph.D. Yes 137.3
Rakesh K. Jain, Ph.D.136.8
Marc Dror Michaelson, M.D., Ph.D. Yes 134.5
Frank Stephen Hodi, M.D. Yes 130.4
Chin-Lee Wu, M.D., Ph.D.127.1
Eliezer Mendel Van Allen, M.D. Yes 125.0
Patrick Yung Chih Wen, M.D.121.8
Stuart George Silverman, M.D.115.2
Alicia Katherine Morgans, M.D.114.6
Sara Michell Tolaney, M.D.113.5
Mark A Preston, M.D. Yes 112.5
Kevin Raymond Loughlin, M.D.111.8
Kent William Mouw, M.D., Ph.D. Yes 111.5
Edward L. Giovannucci, D.Sc., M.D.110.2
Chong-Xian Pan, M.D., Ph.D.109.5
David Allen Reardon, M.D.107.1
Michelle S. Hirsch, M.D., Ph.D. Yes 102.1
Paolo Boffetta, M.D.101.4
Matthew Raymond Smith, M.D., Ph.D. Yes 101.3
George Daniel Demetri, M.D.99.89
Harold John Burstein, M.D., Ph.D. Yes 97.67
Praful Kumar Ravi, M.B.,BChir97.06
Michelangelo Fiorentino, M.D., Ph.D.95.33
Nancy U. Lin, M.D.94.94
Ursula Anne Matulonis, M.D.90.64
Jorge Castillo, M.D.90.36
Robert I. Haddad, M.D. Yes 89.47
Himisha Beltran, M.D.88.35
Michael Jerome Whalen, M.D.86.46
Elizabeth Mittendorf, M.D., Ph.D.79.35
Jennifer Ruth Brown, M.D., Ph.D.78.05
Howard L. Kaufman, M.D.76.59
Deepak L. Bhatt, M.D.75.41
Alice Tsang Shaw, M.D., Ph.D.75.10
Jeffrey A Meyerhardt, M.D.75.03
Geoffrey Ira Shapiro, M.D., Ph.D.73.39
Lecia Vandam Sequist, M.D.72.69
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.