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Lynn Bry, M.D.,Ph.D.
Co-Authors (128)
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Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Ackman, Jeanne
Allegretti, Jessica
Arciniegas Rubio, Antonio
Arnold, Steven
Baker, Meghan
Banks, Alexander
Baron, Jason
Baron, Rebecca
Benamar, Mehdi
Berra, Lorenzo
Bittner, Edward
Black-Schaffer, Stephen
Blumberg Huang, Yu-Hwa
Blumberg, Richard
Brenner, Michael
Brigl, Manfred
Cai, Tianxi
Camargo, Carlos
Carroll, Michael
Cernadas, Manuela
Charbonnier, Louis-Marie
Chatila, Talal
Cheng, Leo
Cherayil, Bobby
Chibnik, Lori
Chitnis, Tanuja
Chueh, Henry
Church, George
Churchill, Susanne
Clancy, Thomas
Cox, Laura
Crestani, Elena
Delaney, Mary
Dighe, Anand
Dreyfuss, Jonathan
Ebert, Benjamin
Franzosa, Eric
Frigault, Matthew
Gardecki, Joseph
Garrett, Wendy
Gerber, Georg
Gerszten, Robert
Getz, Gad
Gibson, Travis
Glaser, John
Glickman, Jonathan
Glimcher, Laurie
Gold, Diane
Halperin, Jose
Higgins, Darren
Higgins, John
Hohmann, Elizabeth
Horwitz, Bruce
Houle, Timothy
Huang, Peigen
Huh, Jun
Huttenhower, Curtis
Hysell, Kristen
Imber, David
Jain, Nitya
Johnson-Akeju, Oluwaseun
Kahn, Barbara
Kahn, C.
Kalafut, Krystle
Kanjilal, Sanjat
Karlson, Elizabeth
Klompas, Michael
Kohane, Zak
Korzenik, Joshua
Kostic, Alex
Kuchroo, Vijay
Kupper, Thomas
Lane, William
Lange-Vaidya, Nancy
Le, Long Phi
Lencer, Wayne
Levy, Bruce
Liao, Katherine
Lipworth, Adam
Liu, Shirong
Longchamp, Alban
Loscalzo, Joseph
Louis, David
Malishchak, Lauren
Mansour, Michael
Mao, Jianren
Mietto, Cristina
Miller, Peter
Minassian, Vatche
Minikel, Eric
Murphy, George
Murphy, Shawn
Nahrendorf, Matthias
Natarajan, Pradeep
Neuberg, Donna
Oettgen, Hans
Onderdonk, Andrew
Ostrominski, John
Pecora, Nicole
Pinciroli, Riccardo
Pyzik, Michal
Quintana, Francisco
Rachid, Rima
Raychaudhuri, Soumya
Rezende, Rafael
Sage, Peter
Sassi, Slim
Seed, Brian
Shen, Shiqian
Silver, Pamela
Slaugenhaupt, Susan
Smoller, Jordan
Snapper, Scott
Sperling, Adam
Su, Chien-Wen
Szolovits, Peter
Tearney, Guillermo
Turner, Jerrold
Vaidya, Anand
Vallabh, Sonia
Verma, Smriti
Waldor, Matthew
Way, Jeffrey
Weiner, Howard
Weiss, Scott
Xie, Zhongcong
Yapa Abeywardana, Maheeshi
You, Zerong
Bry's Networks
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Concepts (464)
Derived automatically from this person's publications.
Germ-Free Life
Clostridium Infections
Enterobacteriaceae Infections
Co-Authors (128)
People in Profiles who have published with this person.
Gerber, Georg
Delaney, Mary
Pecora, Nicole
Onderdonk, Andrew
Chatila, Talal
Similar People (60)
People who share similar concepts with this person.
Xavier, Ramnik
Allegretti, Jessica
Kelly, Ciaran
Ananthakrishnan, Ashwin
Huttenhower, Curtis
Same Department
People in same department with this person.
Georgantzoglou, Natalia
Li, Alice
Schrader, Sarah
Smirnov, Denis
Tashman, Joshua
Physical Neighbors
People whose addresses are nearby this person.
Wellman, David
Vannini, Patrizia
Laga, Alvaro
Alexander, Erik
Xu, Shuyun