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Jacqueline Seiglie, M.D.

Concepts (106)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Diabetes Mellitus11202458411.180 Why?
Mexico1120247640.960 Why?
Diabetes Mellitus, Type 292023121480.870 Why?
Developing Countries10202328850.820 Why?
Government Programs120212790.630 Why?
Social Environment1202110200.510 Why?
Health Facilities120205800.500 Why?
Income5202218770.470 Why?
Health Care Surveys1202024260.430 Why?
Educational Status1202025220.400 Why?
Cause of Death3202436830.310 Why?
Health Policy1202126840.310 Why?
Relief Work120191310.300 Why?
Intensive Care Units2202037440.300 Why?
Health Services Accessibility3202254400.280 Why?
Body Mass Index22021129540.250 Why?
Obesity42024129470.240 Why?
Poverty5202426980.230 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies122023261270.220 Why?
Disasters120195190.210 Why?
Death Certificates120221670.200 Why?
Mortality2202229010.190 Why?
Prevalence72024157320.190 Why?
Health Systems Plans12021190.190 Why?
Independent Living120245790.170 Why?
Public Sector120202670.160 Why?
Frail Elderly120247650.150 Why?
Bangladesh120207360.150 Why?
Cholesterol2202429040.140 Why?
Heart Failure12021116700.140 Why?
Cardiovascular Diseases42024155010.140 Why?
Nutrition Surveys1202417330.130 Why?
Endocrinology120224420.130 Why?
Humans3020247615720.120 Why?
Maternal Health Services120204610.120 Why?
Adult1520242212030.120 Why?
Body Height1202015700.110 Why?
Risk Factors92024742130.110 Why?
Propensity Score1202119130.110 Why?
Pandemics2202286560.100 Why?
Middle Aged1120242209200.100 Why?
Rural Population1202222850.100 Why?
Male1720243608420.100 Why?
Cost-Benefit Analysis2202154920.100 Why?
Female1820243926860.090 Why?
Social Class1202020040.090 Why?
Smoking2202490530.090 Why?
Blood Glucose2202363910.090 Why?
Hypoglycemia120178830.090 Why?
Insulin Resistance1202439630.090 Why?
Socioeconomic Factors2202078270.080 Why?
Respiration, Artificial1202026300.080 Why?
Comorbidity22020105080.080 Why?
Hypoglycemic Agents1202130850.080 Why?
Odds Ratio1202096460.080 Why?
Infant, Premature1201721070.070 Why?
Aged820241693100.070 Why?
Insulin1202165970.070 Why?
Young Adult32024592550.070 Why?
Registries1202282240.070 Why?
Retrospective Studies42022806460.070 Why?
Health Status Disparities1201718520.060 Why?
Logistic Models12020132550.060 Why?
Delivery of Health Care2202053360.060 Why?
Quality of Health Care1202043300.060 Why?
Aging1202487110.060 Why?
Down Syndrome120139010.060 Why?
Hypertension2202485400.060 Why?
Physicians1202245910.060 Why?
Adolescent22021883240.050 Why?
Boston2201993260.050 Why?
Hand Strength120244560.050 Why?
Mitochondria1201336240.040 Why?
Aged, 80 and over22024589860.040 Why?
Body Composition1202424260.030 Why?
Urban Population1202220360.030 Why?
Quality-Adjusted Life Years1202017220.030 Why?
Continuity of Patient Care1202010690.030 Why?
Prenatal Care1202011390.030 Why?
Weight Loss1202326840.020 Why?
Health Surveys1202140610.020 Why?
Intensive Care Units, Neonatal120178460.020 Why?
Pregnancy22023298760.020 Why?
Birth Weight1201721030.020 Why?
Glucose1202143460.020 Why?
Gestational Age1201735770.020 Why?
Models, Theoretical1202035750.020 Why?
Down-Regulation1201329190.020 Why?
Insulin-Secreting Cells120139010.020 Why?
Astrocytes1201313460.020 Why?
Genomics1202058210.010 Why?
Primary Health Care1202046860.010 Why?
Reproducibility of Results12022200990.010 Why?
Incidence12021213550.010 Why?
Risk Assessment12024239960.010 Why?
Follow-Up Studies12024391070.010 Why?
Energy Metabolism1201328820.010 Why?
Oxidative Stress1201331130.010 Why?
Hospitalization12021107210.010 Why?
Cohort Studies12024414930.010 Why?
Prospective Studies12024544260.010 Why?
Infant, Newborn12017261980.010 Why?
Cells, Cultured12013189650.010 Why?
Gene Expression Profiling1201394200.010 Why?
United States12024723350.010 Why?
Neurons1201394630.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.