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Prashanth Rajarajan, M.D.

Concepts (81)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Schizophrenia6202068820.810 Why?
Chromosomes320215960.700 Why?
Nucleic Acid Conformation320189130.640 Why?
Epigenesis, Genetic4202136460.580 Why?
Neural Stem Cells320188510.570 Why?
Chromosomes, Human120184570.570 Why?
Epigenomics220199030.550 Why?
Genome4202418070.530 Why?
DNA Methylation3201942850.490 Why?
Neurogenesis220208380.440 Why?
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells3201917360.440 Why?
Neurodegenerative Diseases1201910610.360 Why?
Genetic Predisposition to Disease32020174460.340 Why?
Chromatin5202429330.320 Why?
Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental2201836170.310 Why?
Neurons7202493400.260 Why?
Cognition4202467700.250 Why?
Matrix Attachment Region Binding Proteins12024440.230 Why?
Retroelements120211640.190 Why?
Histone-Lysine N-Methyltransferase220216700.150 Why?
Cannabis120214400.130 Why?
Nervous System120185540.120 Why?
Chromatin Assembly and Disassembly120186340.120 Why?
Prosencephalon120153030.110 Why?
Neuroglia120189280.110 Why?
RNA, Untranslated120164530.110 Why?
Quantitative Trait Loci1202020190.100 Why?
Brain Diseases1202015630.090 Why?
Astrocytes1201712730.090 Why?
Polymorphism, Genetic1202043280.080 Why?
Brain32020263880.080 Why?
Cells, Cultured32018192330.080 Why?
Genomics2202057170.070 Why?
Animals720211687680.070 Why?
Risk1201896880.070 Why?
Proteomics1201836380.070 Why?
Genome, Human1201844200.070 Why?
Transcription, Genetic1201877210.060 Why?
Transcription Factors12024122070.060 Why?
Depressive Disorder, Major1202146390.060 Why?
DNA-Binding Proteins2202196470.060 Why?
Humans1220247443660.060 Why?
Genes, Intracisternal A-Particle1202150.050 Why?
Gliosis120212450.050 Why?
Endogenous Retroviruses120211120.050 Why?
Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide12020155200.050 Why?
Proviruses120213180.050 Why?
Genome-Wide Association Study12018122620.040 Why?
Virion120214330.040 Why?
Disease Models, Animal12018180340.040 Why?
Nucleus Accumbens120213660.040 Why?
Risk Assessment12019233360.040 Why?
Mesencephalon120203290.040 Why?
Genome, Viral120216670.040 Why?
Gene Amplification1202110630.040 Why?
Adipogenesis120203590.040 Why?
Gene Silencing1202115390.030 Why?
Microglia1202112670.030 Why?
Evolution, Molecular1202119390.030 Why?
Cadherins120179070.030 Why?
Motivation1202119710.030 Why?
Lipid Metabolism1202018890.020 Why?
Molecular Imaging120178280.020 Why?
Cell Differentiation22017114860.020 Why?
Nerve Tissue Proteins1202144630.020 Why?
Mice32021812010.020 Why?
Male320213501150.020 Why?
Repressor Proteins1201730240.020 Why?
Cerebral Cortex1202157090.020 Why?
Rats12021242520.020 Why?
Protein Binding1201793840.020 Why?
Calcium1201757550.010 Why?
Cell Line12017160000.010 Why?
Body Mass Index12020127210.010 Why?
Mice, Inbred C57BL12020218330.010 Why?
Gene Expression Profiling1201794450.010 Why?
Pregnancy12021291440.010 Why?
Gene Expression Regulation12017120730.010 Why?
Risk Factors12020722960.010 Why?
Mutation12017297860.010 Why?
Female220213801930.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.