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Nicole Cimbak, M.D.

Similar People (60)

Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity.
Name Also Co-Authors Similarity Score Why?
Esther Oliva, M.D.3.025
Dhruv Singhal, M.D.1.803
Christopher Paul Crum, M.D. Yes 1.800
Alphonse G. Taghian, M.D., Ph.D.1.792
Marc L Schermerhorn, M.D.1.688
Ross Stuart Berkowitz, M.D. Yes 1.535
Anthony V. D'Amico, M.D., Ph.D.1.530
Marisa Rose Nucci, M.D.1.519
Paul Linh Nguyen, M.D.1.260
Immaculata De Vivo, Ph.D.1.255
Arin K Greene, M.D.1.218
Carlos Eduardo Parra-Herran, M.D.1.217
George L. Mutter, M.D.0.954
Neil Stuart Horowitz, M.D. Yes 0.942
John R. Saltzman, M.D.0.893
William Clay Faquin, M.D., Ph.D.0.830
Jon Ivar Einarsson, M.D.0.797
Jane Jooyun Kim, Ph.D.0.770
Ursula Anne Matulonis, M.D. Yes 0.761
Anahita Dua, M.B.,Ch.B.0.755
Robert A. Cormack, Ph.D.0.744
Chrysalyne Delling Schmults, M.D.0.739
Martin T King, M.D.0.734
Colleen Marie Feltmate, M.D.0.731
Deepak L. Bhatt, M.D.0.718
Quoc-Dien Trinh, M.D.0.713
Peter M. Howley, M.D.0.689
JoAnn Manson, Dr.P.H., M.D.0.683
Peter F Orio, III, D.O.0.682
Robert I. Haddad, M.D.0.670
David L Kolin, M.D., Ph.D.0.651
Phillip M. Devlin, M.D.0.651
Sarah Feldman, M.D.0.638
Jonathan Lewis Hecht, M.D., Ph.D.0.636
Robert Henry Young, M.D.0.623
Michael Belkin, M.D.0.623
Susanna I. Lee, M.D., Ph.D.0.598
Paolo Boffetta, M.D.0.598
Annekathryn Goodman, M.D.0.597
Edward L. Giovannucci, D.Sc., M.D.0.584
Panagiotis Konstantinopoulos, M.D., Ph.D.0.571
Bernard Travis Lee, M.D.0.544
Elizabeth Mittendorf, M.D., Ph.D.0.539
Alexander Melamed, M.D.0.532
Sanjeeva P. Kalva, M.B.,B.S., M.D.0.526
Jeremy D. Richmon, M.D.0.521
Ning Xia, M.D., Ph.D.0.520
Susana Maria Campos, M.D.0.507
Rachel Clark Sisodia, M.D.0.500
Stephen Thomas Sonis, D.M.D., D.M.Sc.0.497
Maryam Mandana Asgari, M.D.0.492
Rocco Ricciardi, M.D.0.485
Eleni M. Rettig, M.D.0.484
Hans-Olov Adami, M.B., M.D., Ph.D.0.475
Abram Recht, M.D.0.474
Emily Stamell Ruiz, M.D.0.471
Michael George Muto, M.D. Yes 0.465
Joseph Feuerstein, M.D.0.464
Bo Rueda, Ph.D.0.464
Amy Jean Bregar, M.D.0.461
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.