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Lorena Pacheco, Ph.D.

Concepts (78)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Persea52023182.840 Why?
Diet5202380050.620 Why?
Population Groups120182110.590 Why?
Prediabetic State120225470.540 Why?
Eating1202115360.480 Why?
Nutritional Status1202116070.430 Why?
Cardiovascular Diseases32024153990.400 Why?
Body Composition1202024160.370 Why?
Longitudinal Studies72024144900.310 Why?
Chile220202550.310 Why?
Rural Population1201822540.310 Why?
Feeding Behavior1202031840.300 Why?
California2202114190.270 Why?
Amino Acids, Aromatic12024360.240 Why?
Methylamines120241370.210 Why?
Diabetes Mellitus, Type 232024120750.210 Why?
gamma-Glutamyltransferase120221440.200 Why?
Amino Acids, Branched-Chain120242630.200 Why?
Carbohydrates120243880.190 Why?
Fatty Acids, Monounsaturated120221900.190 Why?
Sweetening Agents120242900.190 Why?
Adiposity2202318580.180 Why?
Drinking120211990.180 Why?
Colorectal Neoplasms1201968520.170 Why?
Drinking Behavior120191030.160 Why?
Calcium, Dietary120215290.160 Why?
Fatty Acids, Unsaturated120215400.160 Why?
Beverages120248190.150 Why?
Prospective Studies52024541370.150 Why?
Magnesium120218090.150 Why?
Potassium1202113100.140 Why?
Mexico120187580.130 Why?
Sodium1202115880.130 Why?
Fibrosis1202220380.120 Why?
Risk Factors62023738090.120 Why?
Female1120243903230.120 Why?
Energy Intake1202121270.110 Why?
Fatty Acids1202118030.110 Why?
Body Mass Index32023128760.110 Why?
Vitamins1202116320.110 Why?
Iron1202117860.110 Why?
Puerto Rico220243730.110 Why?
Follow-Up Studies32024390590.110 Why?
Humans1520247584060.100 Why?
Educational Status1201825130.090 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies32024259560.090 Why?
Age of Onset1201732980.090 Why?
C-Reactive Protein1202238120.090 Why?
Middle Aged620242195680.090 Why?
Male820243587470.090 Why?
Curriculum1202337170.080 Why?
Adult620242199350.080 Why?
Adolescent42023878920.080 Why?
Vitamin D1202132830.070 Why?
Proportional Hazards Models12021124400.070 Why?
Prevalence22024156510.070 Why?
Incidence22024212720.060 Why?
United States22024721360.060 Why?
Betaine12024890.060 Why?
Sex Factors12017105040.060 Why?
Child32023798180.060 Why?
Carnitine120242520.050 Why?
Choline120245130.050 Why?
Boston2202493040.050 Why?
Prognosis12020295570.040 Why?
Child, Preschool22023420620.040 Why?
Risk Assessment12020238840.040 Why?
Time Factors12020398720.040 Why?
Breast Neoplasms12023210170.030 Why?
Infant12017360550.030 Why?
Young Adult12020588080.030 Why?
Glucose1202443360.020 Why?
Life Style1202338860.020 Why?
Obesity22024128700.020 Why?
Aged220241682180.020 Why?
Public Health1202326580.020 Why?
Animals120211677680.020 Why?
Delivery of Health Care1202353310.020 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.