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Marta Guasch-Ferre, Ph.D.

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Rovira i Virgili University, SpainBS2009Human Nutrition and Dietetics
University of Barcelona, SpainMSc2011Master in Nutrition and Metabolism
Rovira i Virgili University, SpainPhD2014Nutrition and Metabolism
Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, Boston, USPostdoc2017Nutritional Epidemiology
Travel Award
Finalist Jeremiah and Rose Stamler Research Award for New Investigators
Early Career Travel Award
Sandra A. Daugherty Award for Excellence in Cardiovascular Disease

Dr. Guasch-Ferre is an Associate Professor at the Department of Public Health at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She also holds a position as Adjunct Associate Professor at the Department of Nutrition at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. She holds a PhD in Nutritional Epidemiology. During her doctoral training, she evaluated the role of key components of the Mediterranean diet, nuts and olive oil on cardiovascular disease and mortality in individuals at high cardiovascular risk from the primary CVD prevention trial, the PREDIMED Study.

Currently, her group focuses on investigating the role of dietary and lifestyle factors in cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes with the goal of incorporating high-throughput –omics techniques into traditional epidemiological analysis to gain insights into underlying mechanisms. One of the major research focuses is to study the interplay between diet and lifestyle, metabolomics, and cardiometabolic diseases by identifying metabolite profiles and networks associated with cardiometabolic diseases and how diet and lifestyle may modulate these associations. Another central research focus is nutritional epidemiology. Her group evaluates the association between several dietary factors, dietary patterns, and their relationship with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and mortality in the context of large prospective cohort studies and clinical trials in the US and Europe. Finally, by leveraging large cohort studies and clinical trials with dietary data and metabolomics, we aim to advance in the field of precision nutrition by improving objective dietary biomarkers through the integration of -omics data and evaluating their association with cardiovascular diseases.

She is currently the PI of an NIH-funded project: 'Circulating metabolites, lifestyle, and mortality'. She is also an investigator in other American and European projects in the field of nutrition, metabolomics, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases.

The research activities and funding listed below are automatically derived from NIH ExPORTER and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing items. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.
  1. 1R21AG070375 (Guasch-Ferre M) Apr 1, 2021 - Apr 1, 2024
    Circulating Plasma Metabolites, Lifestyle Factors, and Mortality Risk
    Role: PI
  2. 1-18-PMF-029 (Dr. Guasch-Ferre) Jul 1, 2018 - Jul 1, 2021
    American Diabetes Association
    Metabolomics, dietary interventions and type 2 diabetes risk
    Role: PI
  3. EASD2017 (Dr. Guasch-Ferre) Sep 1, 2017 - Aug 15, 2019
    European Association for the Study of Diabetes/Lilly Foundation
    Mechanisms underlying metabolomic profiles and type 2 diabetes
    Role: PI
  4. R01HL118264 (HU, FRANK B) Jul 15, 2013 - Feb 28, 2026
    Mediterranean diet, Metabolites, and Cardiovascular Disease
    Role: Co-Investigator

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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.