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Michael Tri Hoang Do, Ph.D.

Concepts (113)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Retinal Ganglion Cells1720248113.520 Why?
Rod Opsins920191082.530 Why?
Vision, Ocular520224551.910 Why?
Light Signal Transduction72019311.270 Why?
Retina7202226591.200 Why?
Light6202313531.100 Why?
Photoreceptor Cells320172361.100 Why?
Pupil220241460.950 Why?
Retinal Cone Photoreceptor Cells420201840.840 Why?
Contrast Sensitivity120242530.820 Why?
Lighting120232110.730 Why?
Vomiting120246510.720 Why?
Retinal Rod Photoreceptor Cells420172040.710 Why?
Action Potentials4201918340.630 Why?
Membrane Potentials1202010900.570 Why?
Biological Evolution1202310710.560 Why?
Adaptation, Ocular12013890.430 Why?
Sodium Channels220043390.390 Why?
Neurons4202294630.380 Why?
Seizures1202429570.370 Why?
Visual Acuity1202026720.360 Why?
Adaptation, Physiological1201713010.350 Why?
Photic Stimulation2201519850.330 Why?
Circadian Rhythm2202425760.320 Why?
Primates320225230.320 Why?
Reflex, Pupillary32019620.270 Why?
Animals2520241684590.260 Why?
Photons120085890.240 Why?
Macaca fascicularis320229030.240 Why?
Subthalamic Nucleus220041950.230 Why?
Animals, Laboratory12024460.230 Why?
Animal Experimentation12024460.230 Why?
Macaca220234100.230 Why?
Mice, Transgenic5201795390.200 Why?
Matrix Attachment Region Binding Proteins12021470.190 Why?
Calcium-Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase Type 2120221740.190 Why?
Biological Clocks120033180.180 Why?
Mice122023815250.180 Why?
Neural Inhibition120035900.160 Why?
Fovea Centralis120191260.150 Why?
Callithrix32022940.140 Why?
Nucleotides120184540.130 Why?
Electrophysiological Phenomena120173070.130 Why?
Circadian Clocks120171640.120 Why?
Macaca mulatta1202023290.110 Why?
Protein Stability120155780.110 Why?
Learning1202217400.100 Why?
Mammals2202411320.100 Why?
Mice, Inbred C57BL32017221690.100 Why?
Nerve Tissue Proteins1200444140.090 Why?
Electrical Synapses12010180.090 Why?
Amacrine Cells12010520.090 Why?
Feedback, Physiological120134760.090 Why?
Iris120112320.090 Why?
Avoidance Learning120112480.090 Why?
Axons1201716740.080 Why?
Calcium Signaling120137330.080 Why?
Behavior, Animal1201318780.060 Why?
Brain32022271120.060 Why?
Electric Conductivity120044050.050 Why?
Rats, Long-Evans120033830.050 Why?
Purkinje Cells120042260.050 Why?
Female620243926440.050 Why?
Electrophysiology1200412620.050 Why?
Kinetics1200863740.050 Why?
Organ Culture Techniques120037940.050 Why?
Patch-Clamp Techniques120039270.050 Why?
Geniculate Bodies120221600.040 Why?
Enzyme Precursors120001700.040 Why?
Calcium1201357220.040 Why?
Neural Pathways1201030580.040 Why?
Humans1120247615040.040 Why?
Time Factors22015399670.040 Why?
Electric Stimulation1200317360.040 Why?
Species Specificity1202124140.040 Why?
Male420203608040.030 Why?
Gelatin119982200.030 Why?
Child12024801530.030 Why?
Sleep1201047680.030 Why?
Phagocytosis1199815280.020 Why?
Phospholipase C beta12011490.020 Why?
Breast1200019670.020 Why?
Protein-Tyrosine Kinases1200024250.020 Why?
Extracellular Matrix1199817260.020 Why?
Parkinson Disease1200328770.020 Why?
Mice, Knockout12004144140.020 Why?
Cells, Cultured12003189650.020 Why?
Visual Pathways120115510.020 Why?
Rats12003237420.020 Why?
Fluorescent Antibody Technique1201024690.020 Why?
Reproducibility of Results12024200980.020 Why?
Breast Neoplasms22000210120.010 Why?
Tumor Cells, Cultured2200061320.010 Why?
Nerve Net1201122900.010 Why?
In Situ Nick-End Labeling120006130.010 Why?
Catalysis120007740.010 Why?
Neoplasm Transplantation1200020160.010 Why?
Genes, Tumor Suppressor1200010620.010 Why?
Mice, Nude1200036150.010 Why?
Cell Division1200044650.010 Why?
Transfection1200057740.010 Why?
Cell Separation1199817200.010 Why?
Cell Transformation, Neoplastic1200028250.010 Why?
Intracellular Signaling Peptides and Proteins1200028720.010 Why?
Fluorescent Dyes1199819030.010 Why?
Neoplasm Invasiveness1199835950.010 Why?
Swine1199859150.000 Why?
Flow Cytometry1199858690.000 Why?
Aged120191692890.000 Why?
RNA, Messenger12000127950.000 Why?
Apoptosis1200094860.000 Why?
Immunohistochemistry11998110760.000 Why?
Image Processing, Computer-Assisted1199890000.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.