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Martin Thomas Nweeia, D.D.S., D.M.D.

Concepts (108)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Tooth520242101.660 Why?
Whales42024301.570 Why?
Dental Pulp12014840.440 Why?
Sensation120143370.400 Why?
Evolution, Molecular4202418870.380 Why?
Arctic Regions12024260.230 Why?
Vocalization, Animal12024940.220 Why?
Synteny12022770.210 Why?
Dentists219941780.210 Why?
Biology120242890.190 Why?
Dental Care219932850.180 Why?
Motor Neurons120248700.160 Why?
Peptidyl-Dipeptidase A120203620.160 Why?
Enhancer Elements, Genetic1202413630.140 Why?
Dentist-Patient Relations21994320.140 Why?
Mammals1202211320.140 Why?
Indians, South American31980340.140 Why?
Motor Cortex1202410060.130 Why?
Tooth Extraction219942290.120 Why?
Societies, Dental11994330.120 Why?
Dental Cementum12014530.120 Why?
Dentin12014750.120 Why?
United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration11994540.120 Why?
Dental Materials119941130.110 Why?
Neurophysiology120141440.110 Why?
Hazardous Substances119941530.110 Why?
Microscopy, Electron, Scanning120149440.100 Why?
Odontometry21980290.090 Why?
Commerce119946060.080 Why?
Proteins1202460320.080 Why?
Ultrasonic Therapy119902150.080 Why?
Animals820241684410.070 Why?
Skull120128180.070 Why?
Interprofessional Relations119939910.070 Why?
Gene Expression Regulation12024119020.060 Why?
Phenotype12024166060.060 Why?
Delivery of Health Care2199353350.060 Why?
Terminology as Topic1201215350.060 Why?
Hawaii219941020.060 Why?
Chiroptera12024620.060 Why?
Sloths1202230.050 Why?
Coronavirus Infections1202030820.050 Why?
Pneumonia, Viral1202032020.050 Why?
Chromosomes, Mammalian120221470.050 Why?
Gene Expression1201475840.050 Why?
Dental Caries119854250.050 Why?
Exostoses11980300.040 Why?
Host Specificity12020570.040 Why?
Pain, Postoperative1199017370.040 Why?
Palate119801240.040 Why?
Attitude of Health Personnel1199438890.040 Why?
Conserved Sequence1202311650.040 Why?
Mandibular Diseases119801190.040 Why?
Larynx120244920.040 Why?
Vertebrates120202270.040 Why?
Diet2201480740.040 Why?
Receptors, Virus120206400.030 Why?
Cattle1202238480.030 Why?
Genome1202417400.030 Why?
Selection, Genetic120208690.030 Why?
Phylogeny1202228110.030 Why?
Specialties, Dental11994350.030 Why?
Interferometry120141000.030 Why?
Amino Acids1202017180.030 Why?
Ethics, Dental1199380.030 Why?
Environment1198011220.030 Why?
Belgium119931180.030 Why?
Insurance, Disability11993270.030 Why?
Microscopy, Atomic Force120142530.030 Why?
Marketing of Health Services119941510.030 Why?
Fees and Charges119931920.030 Why?
Economic Competition119942190.030 Why?
Spectrum Analysis, Raman120142370.030 Why?
Private Practice119931530.030 Why?
Amino Acid Sequence12024134490.030 Why?
Chromatin1202429600.020 Why?
Altruism119942080.020 Why?
X-Ray Microtomography120144550.020 Why?
Binding Sites1202060550.020 Why?
Epigenesis, Genetic1202437980.020 Why?
Female720233925810.020 Why?
Health Maintenance Organizations119936600.020 Why?
Genome, Human1202344250.020 Why?
Colombia219802790.020 Why?
Humans1520237614230.020 Why?
Protein Binding1202093520.020 Why?
Reimbursement Mechanisms119936670.020 Why?
Collagen1201426380.020 Why?
Dentition, Mixed11985100.020 Why?
Micronesia11985440.020 Why?
Dental Enamel Hypoplasia11985230.020 Why?
DMF Index11985870.020 Why?
Genetic Variation1202065810.020 Why?
Tooth, Deciduous11985760.010 Why?
Health Care Reform1199312460.010 Why?
Male620143607360.010 Why?
United States31994723390.010 Why?
Insurance, Health1199324970.010 Why?
Maxillary Diseases11980480.010 Why?
Pandemics1202086410.010 Why?
Indians, North American119803520.010 Why?
Sex Factors21980105480.010 Why?
Adult319942211480.000 Why?
Child, Preschool11985422540.000 Why?
Adolescent21980883130.000 Why?
Aged119941692350.000 Why?
Middle Aged119942208260.000 Why?
Child11985801620.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.