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Susu Yan, Ph.D.

Similar People (60)

Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity.
Name Also Co-Authors Similarity Score Why?
Harald Paganetti, Ph.D.61.29
Thomas Reinhard Bortfeld, Ph.D. Yes 21.20
Shannon Michelle MacDonald, M.D.20.79
Torunn I. Yock, M.D.20.23
Helen Alice Shih, M.D. Yes 15.41
Jan Patrick Oscar Schuemann, Ph.D.11.92
Hanne M. Kooy, Ph.D.11.13
Clemens Grassberger, Ph.D.10.11
Jason Alexander Efstathiou, M.D., Ph.D.9.406
Theodore Sunki Hong, M.D.9.312
Thomas F. Delaney, M.D.9.066
Gregory C. Sharp, Ph.D.7.918
Nicolas Depauw, Ph.D. Yes 7.823
Alexei V. Trofimov, Ph.D. Yes 7.341
Arnaud Beddok, M.D.7.276
Anthony Zietman, M.B.,B.S., M.D.7.040
Brian Winey, Ph.D.6.979
Maryam Moteabbed, Ph.D. Yes 6.921
Benjamin Micheal Patrick Clasie, Ph.D.6.898
Alejandro Bertolet, Ph.D.6.789
Nancy J. Tarbell, M.D.6.706
Joost Mathijs Verburg, Ph.D.6.677
Drosoula Giantsoudi, Ph.D.6.141
Andrzej Niemierko, Ph.D.6.091
Rachel Jimenez, M.D.5.654
Piotr Zygmanski, Ph.D.5.266
Patrick Yung Chih Wen, M.D.4.659
Annie W. Chan, M.D.4.339
Henning Willers, M.D.4.205
Evangelos Stelios Gragoudas, M.D.4.204
Sophia C Kamran, M.D.4.032
Roy Barry Tishler, M.D., Ph.D.3.990
Alphonse G. Taghian, M.D., Ph.D.3.940
Beow Yong Yeap, Sc.D.3.755
Atchar Sudhyadhom, Ph.D.3.591
Robert I. Haddad, M.D.3.567
Ross I. Berbeco, Ph.D.3.465
Jonathan Eric Leeman, M.D.3.367
Gregory Buti, Ph.D.3.211
Paul Linh Nguyen, M.D.3.198
Robert A. Cormack, Ph.D.3.180
Nils Peters, Ph.D.3.086
Ivana Kyung Kim, M.D.3.024
Margaret Bigwood Pulsifer, Ph.D.2.809
Jennifer Yon-Li Wo, M.D.2.774
Daphne A Haas-Kogan, M.D.2.721
Danielle Nina Margalit, M.D.2.679
Juliane Daartz, Ph.D.2.674
Jonathan Daniel Schoenfeld, M.D.2.610
David H. Ebb, M.D.2.571
David Allen Reardon, M.D.2.327
Paolo Boffetta, M.D.2.312
Rakesh K. Jain, Ph.D.2.261
Kathryn D. Held, Ph.D.2.257
Konrad Pawel Nesteruk, Ph.D.2.229
Barbara C. Fullerton, Ph.D.2.210
Karen Jean Chayt Marcus, M.D.2.166
Nadya Shusharina, Ph.D.2.159
E. Antonio Chiocca, M.D.,Ph.D.2.139
Tracy Todd Batchelor, M.D.2.075
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.