Similar People (60)
Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity. (* These people are also co-authors.)
- Wolfe, Jeremy
- Janes, Amy
- Ahveninen, Jyrki
- Nummenmaa, Aapo
- Cosgrove, G.
- Wilson, Rachel
- Greenberg, Michael
- Macklis, Jeffrey
- Sabatini, Bernardo
- Burstein, Rami
- Polley, Daniel
- Brown, Emery
- Hyman, Bradley
- Delgutte, Bertrand
- Pascual-Leone, Alvaro
- Lowell, Bradford
- Vanduffel, Wim
- Vaina, Lucia
- Regehr, Wade
- Livingstone, Marge
- Cash, Sydney
- Walsh, Christopher
- Lukas, Scott
- Ressler, Kerry
- Richardson, Robert
- Chu, Catherine
- Fishell, Gord
- Wald, Lawrence
- Lewis, Richard
- Nelson, Charles
| - Isacson, Ole
- Staley, Kevin
- Manoach, Dara
- Tiemeier, Henning
- Karmali, Faisal
- Carlezon, William
- Rolston, John
- Shenton, Martha
- Ginty, David
- Hadjikhani, Nouchine
- Verfaellie, Mieke
- Sakai, Osamu
- Makarov, Sergey
- Kreiman, Gabriel
- Saper, Clifford
- Arlotta, Paola
- Peli, Eliezer
- Bonmassar, Giorgio
- Born, Richard
- Dougherty, Darin
- Horn, Andreas
- Pizzagalli, Diego
- Tootell, Roger
- Fortenbaugh, Francesca
- Richmon, Jeremy
- Rosenberg, Paul
- Pezaris, John
- Navarro De Lara, Lucia
- McDannold, Nathan
- Drugowitsch, Jan
Derived automatically from this person's publications.
Similar People
People who share similar concepts with this person.
Same Department
People in same department with this person.