Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Craig D Platt, M.D.,Ph.D.

Co-Authors (108)

Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Co-Authors are listed by decreasing relevence which is based on the number of co-publications and the years which they were written.
Name Most Recent
Number of
Co-Author Score Why?
Raif Salim Geha, M.D.2022224.280 Why?
Alan Anh-Chuong Nguyen, M.D.202471.770 Why?
Janet Sue Chou, M.D.2021101.280 Why?
Pui Yuen Lee, M.D., Ph.D.202381.200 Why?
Ana D Broyles, M.D.202030.890 Why?
Lauren Ashley Henderson, M.D.202450.540 Why?
Olha Halyabar, M.D.202450.380 Why?
Jennifer Sung Whangbo, M.D., Ph.D.202220.360 Why?
Mary Beth Son, M.D.202340.350 Why?
Lisa Marie Bartnikas, M.D.202340.330 Why?
Ari Johann Fried, M.D.202340.310 Why?
Mindy S. Lo, M.D., Ph.D.202350.300 Why?
Peter Andrija Nigrovic, M.D.202350.240 Why?
Ramnik Xavier, M.B.,B.Ch.202310.230 Why?
Mollie Gabrielle Wasserman, M.D.202310.230 Why?
Douglas Ray McDonald, M.D., Ph.D.202020.230 Why?
Lakshmi Ganapathi, M.B.,B.S.202310.230 Why?
Sanya Thomas, M.D.202310.230 Why?
Talal Amine Chatila, M.D.201830.230 Why?
Mari Michele Nakamura, M.D.202210.210 Why?
Mariana Concepcion Castells, M.D., Ph.D.202010.190 Why?
Yousef Rashad Ibrahim Badran, M.D.201720.180 Why?
Amer Al-Musa, M.D.202430.170 Why?
Lynda C. Schneider, M.D.202330.170 Why?
Piotr Sliz, Ph.D.202330.160 Why?
Shira Rockowitz, Ph.D.202330.160 Why?
Roberto Chiarle, M.D.201710.150 Why?
Tina M. Banzon, M.D.202120.150 Why?
David Clapham, M.D., Ph.D.201710.150 Why?
Fatma Dedeoglu, M.D.202230.140 Why?
Melissa McKirdy Hazen, M.D.202230.140 Why?
Robert Picard Sundel, M.D.202230.140 Why?
Margaret H Chang, M.D.,Ph.D.202230.140 Why?
Rebecca Claire Hale, M.D., Ph.D.202420.120 Why?
Hans Christoph Oettgen, M.D.,Ph.D.202320.110 Why?
Christina Yee, M.D., Ph.D.202420.110 Why?
Rachael Fox Grace, M.D.202420.110 Why?
Esra Meidan, M.D.202220.100 Why?
Jonathan Samuel Hausmann, M.D.202220.100 Why?
Adrienne G. Randolph, M.D.202120.100 Why?
Sara Barmettler, M.D.202120.100 Why?
Gregory Paul Priebe, M.D.202220.100 Why?
Barbara Alsen Degar, M.D.202220.100 Why?
Leslie Ann Benson, M.D.202220.100 Why?
Scott Brian Snapper, M.D.,Ph.D.202120.090 Why?
Fowzan Sami Alkuraya, M.B.,B.S.201920.080 Why?
Maria Gutierrez-Arcelus, Ph.D.202410.060 Why?
Elif Ozdogan, M.D.202410.060 Why?
Sarah Chamseddine, M.D.202410.060 Why?
Leetah Senkpeil, Ph.D.202410.060 Why?
Maria Beatrice Alora-Palli, M.D.202310.060 Why?
Wanda Phipatanakul, M.D.202310.060 Why?
Sabina A. Islam, M.D.202310.060 Why?
Juan Manuel Leyva-Castillo, Ph.D.202310.060 Why?
Birgitta A R Schmidt, M.D.202310.060 Why?
Juan Putra, M.D.202310.060 Why?
David Pieter Hoytema van Konijnenburg, M.D., Ph.D.202310.060 Why?
Ofer Levy, M.D., Ph.D.202310.060 Why?
Akiko Shimamura, M.D., Ph.D.202310.060 Why?
Geoffrey M. Guenther, M.D.202310.060 Why?
Michael Robert Wessels, M.D.202210.050 Why?
Siobhan Mary Case, M.D.202210.050 Why?
Mia Taylor Chandler, M.D.202210.050 Why?
Myriam Anne Armant, Ph.D.202110.050 Why?
David Allan Williams, M.D.202110.050 Why?
Tanya Novak, Ph.D.202110.050 Why?
Friedhelm Hildebrandt, M.D.202110.050 Why?
Craig Walton Lillehei, M.D.202110.050 Why?
Martha Potts Fishman, M.D.202110.050 Why?
Sara Oakes Vargas, M.D.202110.050 Why?
Abbey J. Winant, M.D.202110.050 Why?
Edward Y. Lee, M.D.202110.050 Why?
Inderneel Sahai, M.B.,B.S.202110.050 Why?
Mark Steven Pasternack, M.D.202110.050 Why?
Paul Hesterberg, M.D.202110.050 Why?
Victor Wee Hsu, M.D.202110.050 Why?
Seth Rakoff-Nahoum, M.D., Ph.D.202110.050 Why?
Maria Tsokos, M.D.202110.050 Why?
Sarah De Ferranti, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Kevin G. Friedman, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Jane Wimpfheimer Newburger, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Audrey Dionne, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Jeffrey Lo, M.D.202010.050 Why?
David I Hong, M.D.202010.050 Why?
David Lerner Hepner, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Rima A. Rachid, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Kimberly Gold Blumenthal, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Patrick Joseph Brennan, M.D., Ph.D.202010.050 Why?
Aleena Banerji, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Joyce Tyng Hsu, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Kathleen Mary Buchheit, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Paige Gosling Wickner, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Anna Rebecca Wolfson, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Elena Crestani, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Alberta Wang, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Kathleen Anne Lee-Sarwar, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Margee Louisias, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Dinah Foer, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Matthew Paul Giannetti, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Parul Harish Kothari, M.D., Ph.D.202010.050 Why?
Sally Ann Huntoon Vitali, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Tomas Leopold Kirchhausen, Ph.D.201910.040 Why?
Leslie Elaine Lehmann, M.D.201910.040 Why?
Richard Steven Blumberg, M.D.201810.040 Why?
Alan Michael Leichtner, M.D.201810.040 Why?
Louis-Marie Charbonnier, Ph.D.201710.040 Why?
Daniel S Kamin, M.D.201510.030 Why?
Jeffrey David Goldsmith, M.D.201510.030 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.