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Edward K.S. Wang, Psy.D.

Concepts (84)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Dissociative Disorders120212340.630 Why?
Adolescent Behavior6200611900.420 Why?
Health Behavior6200626430.340 Why?
Attitude to Health4200620250.320 Why?
Mental Health1202132500.270 Why?
Pregnancy in Adolescence120051630.220 Why?
Health Promotion5200622140.200 Why?
Taiwan620065210.170 Why?
Nursing Methodology Research22006640.130 Why?
China1202123690.120 Why?
Mothers1200521980.120 Why?
Self Care320067960.100 Why?
Psychotherapy1202116470.100 Why?
Self Report1202137240.080 Why?
Health Services Needs and Demand2200614030.070 Why?
Life Style4200639170.070 Why?
Social Support3200621710.070 Why?
Public Health Nursing12005140.060 Why?
Overweight2200624170.060 Why?
Child Care120051240.060 Why?
Ophthalmoplegia, Chronic Progressive External12003170.060 Why?
Feeding Behavior2200631880.060 Why?
Rural Health120052960.060 Why?
Contraception Behavior120051820.050 Why?
Health Status2200640770.050 Why?
Free Radical Scavengers120032110.050 Why?
Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice3200640160.050 Why?
Cross-Cultural Comparison120066350.050 Why?
School Health Services120063840.050 Why?
California1200614290.050 Why?
Plasma120055860.050 Why?
Pathology, Clinical120053760.050 Why?
Superoxide Dismutase120035940.050 Why?
Students2200617410.040 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies52006261250.040 Why?
Health Education1200610520.040 Why?
Immunoglobulin E1200515020.040 Why?
Health Care Surveys1200524260.040 Why?
Hydrocortisone1200518190.030 Why?
Psychometrics1200330650.030 Why?
Adolescent62006883190.030 Why?
Exercise2200658900.030 Why?
Factor Analysis, Statistical220069990.020 Why?
Parents1200635630.020 Why?
Gene Expression1200375810.020 Why?
Sleep1200647680.020 Why?
RNA, Messenger12003127950.020 Why?
Humans920217615040.020 Why?
Schools2200614890.020 Why?
Nursing Evaluation Research12006260.020 Why?
Discriminant Analysis120062220.020 Why?
Nursing Assessment120061060.020 Why?
Urban Health120065320.010 Why?
Body Size120064630.010 Why?
Pregnancy12005298740.010 Why?
Catalase120032180.010 Why?
Autoradiography120037280.010 Why?
Glutathione Peroxidase120032580.010 Why?
Female620063926440.010 Why?
Child, Preschool12005422300.010 Why?
Blotting, Northern1200315450.010 Why?
Single-Blind Method1200515720.010 Why?
DNA, Complementary1200319910.010 Why?
Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid1200315410.010 Why?
Cluster Analysis1200627070.010 Why?
Clinical Laboratory Techniques120057460.010 Why?
Observer Variation1200526060.010 Why?
Demography1200316480.010 Why?
Male520063608040.010 Why?
Risk-Taking1200310380.010 Why?
Activities of Daily Living1200624210.010 Why?
Reactive Oxygen Species1200321410.010 Why?
Data Collection1200533220.010 Why?
Program Evaluation1200324950.010 Why?
Fibroblasts1200341410.010 Why?
Flow Cytometry1200358690.010 Why?
Muscle, Skeletal1200349480.000 Why?
Diet1200680750.000 Why?
Child22006801530.000 Why?
Quality of Life12006133670.000 Why?
Time Factors12006399670.000 Why?
Adult220062211770.000 Why?
Prospective Studies12005544250.000 Why?
United States12005723340.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.