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Laurie Ellen Katzman, M.D.

Concepts (50)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Common Cold11994630.120 Why?
Nebulizers and Vaporizers119941390.110 Why?
Nasal Mucosa119944150.090 Why?
Environment, Controlled11994420.030 Why?
Nutritional Physiological Phenomena119923630.020 Why?
Renin119826410.010 Why?
Feeding Behavior1199231870.010 Why?
Angiotensin II119828480.010 Why?
Assisted Circulation119781000.010 Why?
Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumping119782230.010 Why?
Lead119828790.010 Why?
Heart-Lung Machine11972440.010 Why?
Membranes, Artificial119723660.010 Why?
Osmolar Concentration119926600.010 Why?
C-Peptide119924400.010 Why?
Prenatal Exposure Delayed Effects1198225090.010 Why?
Hormones119928690.000 Why?
Diabetes Mellitus, Type 211992121430.000 Why?
Creatinine1199218990.000 Why?
Amino Acids1199217180.000 Why?
Fasting1199216020.000 Why?
Respiratory Tract Infections1197210100.000 Why?
Respiratory Insufficiency1197212300.000 Why?
Blood Glucose1199263910.000 Why?
Hospitals, Community119783650.000 Why?
Fetus1198218640.000 Why?
Humans419947614230.000 Why?
Angina Pectoris119789590.000 Why?
Oxygenators, Membrane11972560.000 Why?
Shock, Cardiogenic119787090.000 Why?
Blood Pressure2198284870.000 Why?
Time Factors11992399750.000 Why?
Perfusion1197213730.000 Why?
Kidney1198270490.000 Why?
Aged, 80 and over11992589560.000 Why?
Pregnancy21982298620.000 Why?
Rats11982237420.000 Why?
Aged219921692350.000 Why?
Cardiac Surgical Procedures1197836300.000 Why?
Radiography1197269660.000 Why?
Female319923925810.000 Why?
Oxygen1197242280.000 Why?
Adult219922211480.000 Why?
Pregnancy Complications, Infectious1197221520.000 Why?
Male219923607360.000 Why?
Middle Aged119922208260.000 Why?
Myocardial Infarction11978114580.000 Why?
Anticoagulants1197248130.000 Why?
Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute1197236130.000 Why?
Animals119821684410.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.