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Hideko Heidi Nakajima, M.D., Ph.D.

Similar People (60)

Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity.
Name Also Co-Authors Similarity Score Why?
John J. Rosowski, Ph.D. Yes 182.4
Joseph Bronislaw Nadol, Jr., M.D. Yes 99.15
M. Charles Liberman, Ph.D.92.36
Elliott Davin Kozin, M.D. Yes 60.65
Aaron Kyle Remenschneider, M.D. Yes 59.34
John J. Guinan, Jr., Ph.D. Yes 52.41
Michael E Ravicz, M.S. Yes 46.43
Alicia Marie Quesnel, M.D. Yes 41.94
Michael John McKenna, M.D. Yes 33.44
Dennis S. Poe, M.D.32.02
Julie Gayle Arenberg, Ph.D.28.95
Jeffrey Tao Cheng, Ph.D.28.84
Hugh D. Curtin, M.D. Yes 28.22
Jeffrey R. Holt, Ph.D.27.44
Sharon G. Kujawa, Ph.D.26.42
Steven Douglas Rauch, M.D.25.45
Daniel B Polley, Ph.D.24.44
David Hyun Jung, M.D., Ph.D.23.91
Margaret Alene Kenna, M.D.23.12
Albert Edge, Ph.D.21.74
David P. Corey, Ph.D.20.59
Amy Fan-Yee Juliano, M.D.20.37
Bertrand Delgutte, Ph.D.18.20
James Naples, M.D.18.12
Nicole Jiam, M.D.18.04
Lisa V. Goodrich, Ph.D.17.66
D. Bradley Welling, M.D., Ph.D.16.58
Cynthia Casson Morton, Ph.D.16.10
Carleton Eduardo Corrales, M.D.15.79
Barbara Sprague Herrmann, Ph.D. Yes 14.62
Katherine Leung Reinshagen, M.D. Yes 13.86
Renata Knoll, M.D.13.70
Stephane F. Maison, Ph.D.13.55
Matthew G. Crowson, M.D.13.41
Guangwei Zhou, M.D.12.90
William Francis Sewell, Ph.D.12.25
Felipe Santos, M.D.11.12
Christopher Giardina, M.D., Ph.D.10.91
Jeffrey Theodore Borenstein, Ph.D.10.43
Gary Craig Curhan, M.D., Sc.D.10.32
Andreas Eckhard, M.D.10.22
Judith Simone Kempfle, M.D.10.03
Hariharan Bharadwaj, M.B.,B.S.9.442
Alexis Taylor Roy, M.D.9.330
Richard Franklin Lewis, M.D.9.135
Daniel J Lee, M.D. Yes 9.080
Caroline Diana Robson, M.B.,Ch.B.8.784
Kenneth Ralph Whittemore, M.D.8.594
Karl R Koehler, Ph.D.8.554
Aiden Eliot Shearer, M.D.8.532
Neil Bhattacharyya, M.D.7.768
Stacey Tutt Gray, M.D.7.515
Divya Chari, M.D. Yes 7.484
Jacob Raemer Brodsky, M.D.6.677
Augustus Daniel Mazzocca, M.D.6.493
Molin Wang, Ph.D.6.481
Anna Chambers, Ph.D.6.338
Artur Indzhykulian, Ph.D.6.120
Jeffrey P Guenette, M.D.5.882
Jennifer Shin, M.D.5.878
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.