Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Laura Faden Garabedian, Ph.D.

Concepts (125)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Comparative Effectiveness Research320227131.190 Why?
Diabetes Mellitus6202458870.950 Why?
Deductibles and Coinsurance220213150.780 Why?
Insurance, Health4202025200.630 Why?
Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring120194750.500 Why?
Pregnancy Outcome1202429710.430 Why?
Bariatric Surgery120229960.400 Why?
Telemedicine2201931110.340 Why?
Cost Sharing320244090.340 Why?
Insulin1202466080.330 Why?
Insurance Coverage2202019450.320 Why?
Drug Approval520108200.300 Why?
Quality Assurance, Health Care1201821710.290 Why?
Insurance, Pharmaceutical Services320103470.290 Why?
Health Care Reform1201612560.280 Why?
Quality of Health Care2201843060.270 Why?
Patient Acceptance of Health Care2201932300.260 Why?
Blood Glucose1201964220.230 Why?
Attitude of Health Personnel1201839270.230 Why?
Insurance, Health, Reimbursement220093880.230 Why?
Control Groups120241070.220 Why?
Product Surveillance, Postmarketing220094630.220 Why?
Research Personnel120085890.210 Why?
Formularies as Topic32009930.200 Why?
Tobacco, Smokeless120231320.190 Why?
Primary Health Care1201847350.190 Why?
Interviews as Topic2201827410.180 Why?
Minority Groups1200812080.170 Why?
Medical Savings Accounts12020340.170 Why?
Health Expenditures2202423900.170 Why?
Drug Utilization Review120112480.170 Why?
Government Programs120112780.160 Why?
Economic Competition120102230.150 Why?
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act2202011880.150 Why?
Insurance Carriers120201590.150 Why?
Intrauterine Devices120191150.150 Why?
Off-Label Use120091850.140 Why?
Eligibility Determination120204210.130 Why?
Drug Industry220107910.130 Why?
Influenza Vaccines120237800.130 Why?
Costs and Cost Analysis1202116670.130 Why?
Health Services120117550.130 Why?
Patient Selection1200842520.130 Why?
Drug Design1201010420.120 Why?
New England1201810590.120 Why?
Internationality2200810060.120 Why?
Humans2620247667660.120 Why?
Risk Management120085580.110 Why?
Pharmacoepidemiology120083510.110 Why?
Burnout, Professional120237100.110 Why?
United States92024729510.110 Why?
Influenza, Human1202315430.100 Why?
Program Evaluation1201125040.100 Why?
Focus Groups1201814590.100 Why?
Pharmaceutical Preparations2201010860.100 Why?
Research Design1200862070.100 Why?
Insurance Claim Review120167440.100 Why?
Drug Monitoring120089620.090 Why?
International Cooperation1200814340.090 Why?
Equipment Design1201934870.090 Why?
Pregnancy Complications1202429710.090 Why?
Self Care120158000.090 Why?
Students, Medical1202319620.080 Why?
United States Food and Drug Administration4201016730.080 Why?
Quality Improvement1202438500.080 Why?
Health Services Accessibility2200755140.080 Why?
Quality Indicators, Health Care1201818040.080 Why?
Poverty1202027140.080 Why?
Developing Countries1201029130.070 Why?
Drug Prescriptions1200716630.070 Why?
Antipsychotic Agents1201130780.070 Why?
Hypoglycemic Agents1202031080.070 Why?
Qualitative Research1201831380.070 Why?
Massachusetts2201988910.070 Why?
Regression Analysis1201463290.060 Why?
Prejudice120085680.050 Why?
Socioeconomic Factors1201678410.050 Why?
Pregnancy12024302370.050 Why?
Schizophrenia1201169760.050 Why?
Female720243965200.050 Why?
Time Factors32016401490.040 Why?
Patents as Topic120101120.040 Why?
Immunotherapy1200547470.040 Why?
Data Collection1200833210.040 Why?
Antibodies, Monoclonal1200592440.040 Why?
Middle Aged420202232570.040 Why?
Cardiovascular Diseases12024156570.040 Why?
Financing, Personal120203100.040 Why?
Follow-Up Studies12019393090.040 Why?
Aged220211713430.040 Why?
Pharmacopoeias as Topic12007170.040 Why?
European Union120081580.030 Why?
Clinical Trials as Topic2200880450.030 Why?
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee1200690.030 Why?
Male520203641420.030 Why?
France120074950.030 Why?
Longitudinal Studies22023147620.030 Why?
Government Agencies120061610.030 Why?
Cost-Benefit Analysis2201055360.030 Why?
Adolescent32020889040.030 Why?
Chemistry, Pharmaceutical120052730.030 Why?
Hybridomas120054420.030 Why?
State Medicine120062190.030 Why?
Marketing120062250.030 Why?
Pandemics2202487350.030 Why?
Biotechnology120052830.030 Why?
Japan1200814170.030 Why?
Government Regulation120085250.030 Why?
Safety1200811570.030 Why?
Netherlands1200722770.020 Why?
Vaccination1202334340.020 Why?
Emotions1202327580.020 Why?
Adult320202233070.020 Why?
Retrospective Studies12019816350.020 Why?
Reimbursement Mechanisms120066700.020 Why?
Physicians1200845910.020 Why?
Medicare2200968200.020 Why?
Patient Participation1200714450.020 Why?
Evidence-Based Medicine1200936920.020 Why?
Anxiety1201946700.010 Why?
Child22023806680.010 Why?
Health Care Costs1200732420.010 Why?
Young Adult22020599390.010 Why?
Neoplasms12005223500.000 Why?
Animals120051689300.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.