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Charles David Nargozian, M.D.

Concepts (75)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Intubation, Intratracheal7202213290.770 Why?
Airway Management220223120.540 Why?
Pierre Robin Syndrome120141170.410 Why?
Anesthesia, Inhalation220042200.360 Why?
Respiratory Therapy120041250.210 Why?
Craniofacial Abnormalities120043190.190 Why?
Catheterization1200514280.170 Why?
Craniofacial Dysostosis12018740.150 Why?
Facial Asymmetry119991720.150 Why?
Urticaria120181500.140 Why?
Cold Temperature120187850.120 Why?
Anesthesiology1200411170.110 Why?
Nasal Cavity120143040.100 Why?
Catheters120144270.100 Why?
Intraoperative Complications1201811650.090 Why?
Anaphylaxis120187570.090 Why?
Acrocephalosyndactylia11991910.090 Why?
Clinical Competence1200447920.070 Why?
Intraoperative Care119917670.070 Why?
Epinephrine120107920.070 Why?
Vasoconstrictor Agents120106540.070 Why?
Anesthesia, Dental12004640.050 Why?
Osteotomy, Le Fort12004930.050 Why?
Infant, Newborn32014261980.050 Why?
Audiovisual Aids12004990.050 Why?
Anesthesia, Local119842770.050 Why?
Videotape Recording120043370.050 Why?
Manikins120042430.050 Why?
Computer Graphics120043400.050 Why?
Patient Simulation120042980.050 Why?
Osteogenesis, Distraction120042270.050 Why?
Bronchi119848450.050 Why?
Maxilla120044940.040 Why?
Foreign Bodies119844020.040 Why?
Craniosynostoses120044120.040 Why?
Thorax120225550.040 Why?
Respiratory System120225630.040 Why?
Intensive Care Units, Pediatric1200510170.040 Why?
Cleft Palate120045890.040 Why?
Tryptases120181760.030 Why?
Teaching1200411700.030 Why?
Skin Tests120186370.030 Why?
Child72010801530.030 Why?
Mandible119997530.030 Why?
Preanesthetic Medication11991480.020 Why?
Child, Preschool32005422300.020 Why?
Adolescent62018883190.020 Why?
Referral and Consultation1200436000.020 Why?
Infant22005361920.020 Why?
Anesthesia, Epidural119922330.020 Why?
Humans1220187615040.020 Why?
Injections, Subcutaneous120106810.020 Why?
Radiography1199969650.020 Why?
Vasoconstriction120105920.020 Why?
Male620143608040.020 Why?
Lighting119882110.020 Why?
Sex Factors11999105520.010 Why?
Larynx119884920.010 Why?
External Fixators12004990.010 Why?
Trachea1198810890.010 Why?
Equipment Failure119845780.010 Why?
Prospective Studies12005544250.010 Why?
Vocal Cords119845220.010 Why?
Female520183926440.010 Why?
Device Removal120046300.010 Why?
Airway Obstruction120046610.010 Why?
Palliative Care1199235980.010 Why?
Anesthesia, General1200411740.010 Why?
Heart Defects, Congenital1199246710.010 Why?
Retrospective Studies22004806360.010 Why?
Adult420042211770.010 Why?
Postoperative Complications11991156310.000 Why?
Risk Factors11991742060.000 Why?
Surgical Procedures, Operative1199219220.000 Why?
Middle Aged119882208950.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.