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Alexis Lee Freedberg, M.D.

Similar People (60)

Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity.
Name Also Co-Authors Similarity Score Why?
Ronald Charles Kessler, Ph.D.4.655
Richard T Liu, Ph.D.3.346
Maurizio Fava, M.D.2.886
Ross J. Baldessarini, D.Sc., M.D.2.275
Taylor A. Burke, Ph.D.1.991
Michelle A Williams, Sc.D.1.970
Layal Chaker, Ph.D.1.792
Bizu Gelaye, Ph.D.1.735
Andrew Alan Nierenberg, M.D.1.606
James Hennessey, M.D.1.603
Emma Hazard Moscardini, Ph.D.1.589
Eric Joseph Rubin, M.D., Ph.D.1.571
Shirley Yen, Ph.D.1.239
Gregory William Randolph, M.D.1.222
Henning Tiemeier, Ph.D.1.200
David Mischoulon, M.D., Ph.D.1.183
Roy Howard Perlis, M.D.1.155
Carlos Arturo Camargo, Jr., Dr.P.H., M.D.1.087
George I Papakostas, M.D.1.044
Leonardo Tondo, M.D.0.950
Cindy Hsin-Ju Liu, Ph.D.0.931
Deepak L. Bhatt, M.D.0.881
Caroline Hemeon Abbott, Ph.D.0.853
Erik Karl Alexander, M.D.0.843
Jennifer Williams Mack, M.D.0.823
Daniel Paul Dickstein, M.D.0.805
Alan M. Zaslavsky, Ph.D.0.791
Gonzalo Martinez-Ales, M.D.0.791
Jordan W Smoller, M.D., S.D.0.760
Scott David Solomon, M.D.0.760
Oscar Franco, D.Sc., Ph.D.0.747
Jeffery C. Huffman, M.D.0.746
Christina Ellervik, D.M.Sc., D.P.D., M.D.0.741
William Clay Faquin, M.D., Ph.D.0.719
Ichiro Kawachi, M.B.,Ch.B., Ph.D.0.687
William Rigby Beardslee, M.D.0.672
Alexander Tsai, M.D., Ph.D.0.670
Lindsey Robert Baden, M.D.0.666
Albert Hofman, M.D., Ph.D.0.661
Ross Dennis Zafonte, D.O.0.652
Douglas Sterling Ross, M.D.0.638
Scott Beach, M.D.0.636
Dan Hung Barouch, M.D.0.616
Christos Mantzoros, M.D.0.610
Diego Pizzagalli, Ph.D.0.609
Vincent Jaddoe, Ph.D.0.608
Jane Guion Tillman, Ph.D.0.586
Eugene Braunwald, M.D.0.553
Galit Alter, Ph.D.0.545
Elsa Frideborg Ronningstam, Ph.D.0.545
Walter C. Willett, Dr.P.H., M.D.0.542
Philip Reed Larsen, M.D.0.538
Marc Lipsitch, D.Phil.0.536
Terence Martin Keane, Ph.D.0.533
Mary C. Zanarini0.533
Cristina Cusin, M.D.0.532
Marcelo F. Di Carli, M.D.0.511
Frederic H. Fahey, D.Sc.0.506
Alvaro Pascual-Leone, M.D., Ph.D.0.502
Alex Sogomon Keuroghlian, M.D.0.500
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.