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G. Rees Cosgrove, M.D.
Co-Authors (128)
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Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Aglio, Linda
Ahlfors, Seppo
Ahmed, Shihab
Altshuler, Marcelle
Arnaout, Omar
Arrillaga-Romany, Isabel
Asher, Rachel
Aziz-Sultan, Mohammad
Balanza Villegas, Gustavo Adolfo
Barker, Frederick
Batchelor, Tracy
Bernstock, Joshua
Beroukhim, Rameen
Bi, Wenya
Black, Peter
Blitz, Sarah
Bourgeois, Blaise
Brown, Emery
Bubrick, Ellen
Buchbinder, Bradley
Bussiere, Marc
Butenko, Konstantin
Butler, William
Cahill, Daniel
Cash, Sydney
Chang, Yuchiao
Chapman, Paul
Chen, Jason
Chiocca, E.
Chou, Tina
Chu, Catherine
Chua, Melissa
Chukwueke, Ugonma
Cole, Andrew
Curry, William
Daffner, Kirk
Day, Arthur
Desalvo, Matthew
DiToro, Daniel
Dooling, Elizabeth
Dougherty, Darin
Drislane, Frank
Du, Rose
Dworetzky, Barbara
Ellard, Kristen
Flaherty, Alice
Fox, Michael
Frerichs, Kai
Fried, Shelley
Frosch, Matthew
Golby, Alexandra
Grant, P.
Gupta, Saksham
Guttmann, Charles
Hayes, Michael
Hedley-Whyte, Tessa
Hoch, Daniel
Hochberg, Leigh
Horn, Andreas
Huang, Kevin
Huang, Raymond
Izzy, Saef
Jain, Felipe
Johnson-Akeju, Oluwaseun
Jones, Pamela
Kappel, Ari
Kikinis, Ron
Klufas, Roman
Kreiman, Gabriel
Kwong, Kenneth
Ligon, Keith
Liu, David
Louis, David
Madsen, Joseph
Martuza, Robert
Maus, Douglas
McDannold, Nathan
Meyer, Garance
Mooney, Michael
Nahed, Brian
Nayak, Lakshmi
Neudorfer, Clemens
Nierenberg, Andrew
O'Donnell, Lauren
Paulk, Angelique
Peled, Noam
Peruzzi, PierPaolo
Peterfreund, Robert
Price, Bruce
Proctor, Mark
Pujol, Sonia
Rabinov, James
Rauch, Scott
Reardon, David
Richardson, Robert
Rizzo, Joseph
Rolston, John
Rosen, Bruce
Salami, Pariya
Santa Cruz Mercado, Laura
Sarkis, Rani
Schaper, Frederic
Schmahmann, Jeremy
Schomer, Donald
Sharma, Jitendra
Sherman, Janet
Siddiqi, Shan
Silbersweig, David
Singh, Hargunbir
Stojanovic, Milan
Stone, Scellig
Stufflebeam, Steven
Thiele, Elizabeth
Tian, Fangyun
Tobochnik, Steven
Vardalaki, Dimitra
Vissani, Matteo
Warren, Aaron
Weisholtz, Daniel
Weiss, Anthony
Weiss, Scott
Wen, Patrick
Williams, Ziv
Yearley, Alexander
Young, Geoffrey
Youssef, Gilbert
Zelmann, Rina
Zervas, Nicholas
Cosgrove's Networks
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Concepts (453)
Derived automatically from this person's publications.
Essential Tremor
Neurosurgical Procedures
Stereotaxic Techniques
Co-Authors (128)
People in Profiles who have published with this person.
McDannold, Nathan
Cash, Sydney
Chua, Melissa
Rolston, John
Blitz, Sarah
Similar People (60)
People who share similar concepts with this person.
Loddenkemper, Tobias
Richardson, Robert
Neudorfer, Clemens
Rolston, John
Horn, Andreas
Same Department
People in same department with this person.
Bi, Wenya
Claus, Elizabeth
Johnston, Benjamin
Nwagwu, Chibueze
Peruzzi, PierPaolo