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Azin Mashayekhi, M.D.

Similar People (60)

Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity.
Name Also Co-Authors Similarity Score Why?
Kenneth Carl Anderson, M.D.3.360
Paul Gerard Guy Richardson, M.B.,B.S.2.775
Nikhil C Munshi, M.B.,B.S., M.D.1.677
John H Stone, M.D.1.642
Noopur Raje, M.D.1.262
Sebastian Unizony, M.D.1.046
Joan Whitten Miller, M.D.1.017
Irene Ghobrial, M.D.0.956
Jeffrey Heier, M.D.0.933
Demetrios Vavvas, M.D.,Ph.D.0.897
Francesco Romano, M.D.0.701
John Brown Miller, M.D.0.696
Bernard Alfred Rosner, Ph.D.0.687
Deeba Husain, M.D.0.610
Jonathan A. Fletcher, M.D.0.598
Chandrajit P Raut, M.D.0.586
Paul Asbury Monach, M.D., Ph.D.0.559
Ivana Kyung Kim, M.D.0.555
Ik-Kyung Jang, M.D., Ph.D.0.549
Jacob Laubach, M.D.0.543
Teru Hideshima, M.D., Ph.D.0.537
Jennifer Sue Temel, M.D.0.526
George Daniel Demetri, M.D.0.514
Jason L. Hornick, M.D.,Ph.D.0.442
James Robert Stone, M.D., Ph.D.0.417
Nurhan Torun, M.D.0.401
Dean Eliott, M.D.0.389
Joseph F. Rizzo, III, M.D.0.386
Ines Lains, M.D., Ph.D.0.370
Suzanne George, M.D.0.366
Eric D Gaier, M.D.0.365
Sara K Tedeschi, M.D.0.357
Mehmet Kemal Samur, Ph.D.0.334
Constantine S Mitsiades, M.D., Ph.D.0.327
Areej El-Jawahri, M.D.0.322
Ayaz Aghayev, M.D.0.319
Inga-Marie Schaefer, M.D.0.280
Giada Bianchi, M.D.0.278
Lois Elaine Hodgson Smith, M.D., Ph.D.0.271
Albert Hofman, M.D., Ph.D.0.260
Michael K. Yoon, M.D.0.256
Naomi Julia Patel, M.D.0.255
Aparna Raj Parikh, M.D.0.249
David E. Avigan, M.D.0.246
Joseph Greer, Ph.D.0.245
Anthony Peter Adamis, M.D.0.245
Jorge Castillo, M.D.0.245
Adrian Marino Enriquez, M.D., Ph.D.0.243
Leo Am Kim, M.D., Ph.D.0.242
Jennifer Katherine Sun0.241
Mariateresa Fulciniti, Ph.D.0.237
Guillermo James Tearney, M.D., Ph.D.0.237
Thaddeus Peter Dryja, M.D.0.231
Moritz Binder, M.D.0.228
Dean Michael Cestari, M.D.0.228
Mark Alexander Matza, M.D.0.222
Evangelos Stelios Gragoudas, M.D.0.221
Michelle Lauren Robinette, M.D., Ph.D.0.219
Andrew J. Yee, M.D.0.212
Joseph Loscalzo, M.D.0.203
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.