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Rachel Gioscia-Ryan, M.D., Ph.D.

Concepts (107)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Antioxidants5202016420.800 Why?
Oxidative Stress11202130250.760 Why?
Endothelium, Vascular11202244140.750 Why?
Mitochondria7202335230.740 Why?
Aging14202484850.680 Why?
Physical Conditioning, Animal220213610.590 Why?
Aorta3202120270.560 Why?
Methylamines520221350.470 Why?
Vasodilation720229560.430 Why?
Organophosphorus Compounds120142010.430 Why?
Ubiquinone120141800.420 Why?
Vascular Diseases5202211620.390 Why?
Motor Activity5202426660.380 Why?
Superoxides520223860.360 Why?
Spermidine22024600.340 Why?
Sodium Nitrite22021160.320 Why?
Aorta, Thoracic1201410500.300 Why?
Arteries3202011130.280 Why?
Ferritins220205830.280 Why?
Reactive Oxygen Species4202020630.220 Why?
Lyases12022400.210 Why?
Mice162024800650.180 Why?
Brachial Artery220203600.180 Why?
Physical Endurance120223600.170 Why?
Carotid Arteries320209320.160 Why?
Mice, Inbred C57BL92024215290.160 Why?
Animals2120241663080.150 Why?
Cardiovascular System120238300.130 Why?
Elastin120173000.130 Why?
Interleukin-11201912510.130 Why?
Informed Consent120229810.130 Why?
Insulin Resistance2202038360.130 Why?
Iron2202117350.130 Why?
Inflammation42021105910.130 Why?
Exercise Tolerance120197880.120 Why?
Athletes1202210990.120 Why?
Obesity42021126700.120 Why?
Blood Vessels1202011090.120 Why?
Nitric Oxide3202221210.110 Why?
Muscle, Skeletal5202448630.110 Why?
Dietary Supplements5202133240.110 Why?
Animal Feed120131130.110 Why?
Hindlimb120145010.100 Why?
Locomotion120143790.100 Why?
Physical Exertion120146580.090 Why?
Nitric Oxide Synthase120149100.090 Why?
Fatty Acids1201817770.090 Why?
Mitochondrial Proteins120169780.090 Why?
Postural Balance120146070.080 Why?
Acetylcholine220226270.080 Why?
Cardiovascular Diseases32023153060.080 Why?
Glucose1201943030.070 Why?
Blood Pressure2202184050.070 Why?
Exercise2202156870.070 Why?
Endothelial Cells1201934740.070 Why?
Behavior, Animal1201418430.070 Why?
Insulin1202064700.070 Why?
Cytokines2201772190.060 Why?
Male1520243510980.060 Why?
Autophagy1201313200.060 Why?
Age Factors22021181450.060 Why?
Adaptation, Physiological2202112830.060 Why?
Butanols12022200.050 Why?
Tyrosine2202014420.050 Why?
Consent Forms12022550.050 Why?
Anti-Bacterial Agents1201972230.050 Why?
Cyclic N-Oxides12020720.050 Why?
Humans1820237460700.040 Why?
Spin Labels120203340.040 Why?
DNA, Mitochondrial120238350.040 Why?
Glucose Clamp Technique120182460.040 Why?
Nitric Oxide Synthase Type III120206860.040 Why?
Ascorbic Acid120206400.040 Why?
Tissue Plasminogen Activator1202211530.030 Why?
Drug Monitoring120219480.030 Why?
Diet1201378810.030 Why?
Nitrites120141580.030 Why?
Models, Animal1202121110.030 Why?
Young Adult42021571140.030 Why?
Nitrates120142600.030 Why?
Rats, Inbred SHR120131900.030 Why?
Cross-Over Studies1201820110.030 Why?
Body Mass Index22020126330.020 Why?
Metabolomics1202115700.020 Why?
Adult620212149690.020 Why?
Female820213821290.020 Why?
Mobility Limitation120144010.020 Why?
Muscle Strength120145990.020 Why?
Drug Evaluation, Preclinical1201413490.020 Why?
Heart Failure12013110850.020 Why?
Aged420211642220.020 Why?
C-Reactive Protein1201837510.020 Why?
Clinical Trials as Topic1202279350.020 Why?
Middle Aged420212144190.020 Why?
Nutritional Status1201315770.010 Why?
Treatment Outcome22021636640.010 Why?
Double-Blind Method12018122080.010 Why?
Recovery of Function1201429240.010 Why?
Cognition1202067720.010 Why?
Life Style1201438200.010 Why?
Adolescent22021862120.010 Why?
Body Weight1201345900.010 Why?
Rats12013236810.010 Why?
Follow-Up Studies12018387520.010 Why?
Disease Models, Animal12014178310.010 Why?
Gene Expression Regulation12013118420.010 Why?
Signal Transduction12014231150.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.