Address | Latitude | Longitude | Name(s) |
| 42.335945 | -71.102958 | Roberto Guillermo Kolter, Ph.D. |
David Z. Rudner, Ph.D. |
Tom Bernhardt, Ph.D. |
Jonathan Roger Beckwith, Ph.D. |
R. John Collier, Ph.D. |
John Joseph Mekalanos, Ph.D. |
Pamela A. Silver, Ph.D. |
James J. Collins, Ph.D. |
Eric Joseph Rubin, M.D., Ph.D. |
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Pathology - Yamins 309, 330 Brookline Ave, Boston, MA 02215 | 42.3402277 | -71.105854 | James Edward Kirby, M.D.
Brigham and Women Hale Building for Transformative Med., 3016 3rd Floor, 60 Fenwood Rd, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.3351037 | -71.1061649 | Charles Nicholas Serhan, Ph.D.
Channing Laboratory 181 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.336691 | -71.102089 | Gerald Bryan Pier, Ph.D. |
Matthew K Waldor, M.D., Ph.D. |
Dennis Lee Kasper, M.D. |
Children's Program in Cellular and Molecular Medicine, CLS 03-103, 3 Blackfan Circle, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.338499 | -71.10446 | Timothy Alan Springer, Ph.D.
Childrens Hospital Infectious Diseases, Enders 761, 300 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.337436 | -71.105447 | Michael Robert Wessels, M.D. |
Leonard Ira Zon, M.D. |
Dana Farber Cancer Institute Blood Compont, D289, 44 Binney St, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.337896 | -71.1072493 | Kenneth Carl Anderson, M.D.
Dept. of Bio Chem & Mol Pharm Bcmp, 240 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.335886 | -71.105146 | Gerhard Wagner, Ph.D. |
Jon Clardy, Ph.D. |
Steven P. Gygi, Ph.D. |
Hale Building for Transformative Medicine Room 10016M, 60 Fenwood Rd, Boston, MA 02115-5727 | 42.3795406 | -71.232 | Gregory A. Petsko, Ph.D.
Harvard FAS Chemistry & Chem Biology, Naito Building, Room 104, 12 Oxford St, Cambridge, MA 02138 | 42.377756 | -71.115242 | Daniel Kahne, Ph.D.
Harvard FAS Molecular & Cell Biology, 200 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.338372 | -71.103269 | Norbert Perrimon, Ph.D. |
Vadim Gladyshev, Ph.D. |
George McDonald Church, Ph.D. |
Harvard FAS Molecular & Cell Biology, Richard B. Simches Research Center, 185 Cambridge St, Boston, MA 02114 | 42.361257 | -71.065527 | Gary B. Ruvkun, Ph.D. |
Ralph Weissleder, M.D., Ph.D. |
Ramnik Xavier, M.B.,B.Ch. |
Deborah Tan Hung, M.D., Ph.D. |
Frederick M. Ausubel, Ph.D. |
Harvard FAS Org. and Evol. Biology, Biological Laboratories Room 2119, 16 Divinity Ave, Cambridge, MA 02138 | 42.378162 | -71.114374 | Daniel L. Hartl, Ph.D.
Harvard FAS Org. and Evol. Biology, Museum of Natural History, 26 Oxford St, Cambridge, MA 02138 | 42.3357 | -71.1016999 | Christian Tientcha Happi, Ph.D. |
Daouda Ndiaye, Ph.D., Pharm.D. |
Matthias Marti, Ph.D. |
Harvard Medical School BCMP, Seeley Mudd, 250 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.3373886 | -71.1043729 | Stephen Coplan Harrison, Ph.D.
Harvard Medical School Cell Biology, Rm 613, 45 Shattuck St, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.3359001 | -71.1054662 | Tom A. Rapoport, Ph.D.
Harvard School of Public Health Bagnoud Bldg, 651 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.3354757 | -71.1014834 | Dyann Fergus Wirth, Ph.D. |
Alan F. Cowman, Ph.D. |
Wendy S. Garrett, M.D., Ph.D. |
Daniel Edward Neafsey, Ph.D. |
Harvard School of Public Health Bldg 2-451, 655 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.3354685 | -71.1015102 | Curtis Huttenhower, Ph.D.
Harvard School of Public Health Kresge Bldg 5th floor Room 506G, 677 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.3351768 | -71.1024021 | Marc Lipsitch, D.Phil.
Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infrm Howe Lab, 243 Charles St, Boston, MA 02114 | 42.362 | -71.0644 | Michael S. Gilmore, Ph.D.
Massachusetts General Hospital 9th Flr, 165 Cambridge St, Boston, MA 02114 | 42.3612736 | -71.0647979 | Ashwin N Ananthakrishnan, M.B.,B.S.
Massachusetts General Hospital Dept of Radiation Oncology, Cox 7, 100 Blossom Street, Boston, MA 02114 | 42.363899 | -71.067778 | Rakesh K. Jain, Ph.D.
Massachusetts General Hospital Infectious Disease, 55 Fruit St, Boston, MA 02114 | 42.362417 | -71.068937 | David Crittenden Hooper, M.D. |
Laurence G. Rahme, Ph.D. |
Yonatan Grad, M.D., Ph.D. |
Massachusetts General Hospital Rheumatology, Allergy & Immunology, 149 13th Street, Charlestown, MA 02129 | 42.3773 | -71.0525 | Allen Caruthers Steere, M.D.
Massachusetts General Hospital Simches Research Building - 5.212, 185 Cambridge St, Boston, MA 02114 | 42.3627286 | -71.0843313 | Ralph Mazitschek, Ph.D.
Mclean Hospital 115 Mill St, Belmont, MA 02478 | 42.3946544 | -71.1956711 | Frances Lowe Arnold, Ph.D.
MIT - Bldg E25-342 Cambridge, MA 02139 | 42.360539 | -71.090074 | Robert S. Langer, Sc.D.
Wyss Institute 201 Brookline Ave, Boston, MA 02215 | 42.3377324 | -71.1051962 | Don Ingber, M.D.,Ph.D.