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Luca Schierbaum, M.D.

Concepts (70)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Urinary Tract820233091.880 Why?
Urogenital Abnormalities620232611.030 Why?
Urethral Obstruction12021560.790 Why?
Gene Duplication120213280.730 Why?
Vesico-Ureteral Reflux520234270.570 Why?
Gene Deletion1202127490.460 Why?
Urinary Bladder Neck Obstruction22021800.370 Why?
DNA Copy Number Variations3202219370.260 Why?
Fetal Diseases220219030.250 Why?
Kidney9202371850.210 Why?
Urinary Bladder, Neurogenic120231650.200 Why?
Spinal Dysraphism120221610.180 Why?
Tracheoesophageal Fistula120211290.180 Why?
Endopeptidases120237720.180 Why?
rho GTP-Binding Proteins120202930.170 Why?
Esophageal Atresia120212010.160 Why?
Nephrotic Syndrome120203890.140 Why?
Homeodomain Proteins2202324190.140 Why?
Chromosome Aberrations2202218110.140 Why?
Microfilament Proteins1202011520.130 Why?
Cardiovascular System120228280.130 Why?
Actins1202021210.110 Why?
Heart Diseases1202127890.080 Why?
RNA, Messenger12023130280.080 Why?
DNA-Binding Proteins2202196480.060 Why?
Genetic Variation1202065350.060 Why?
Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 3-gamma12022100.060 Why?
Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 3-beta12022670.050 Why?
Genome-Wide Association Study12021122590.050 Why?
Hemizygote12021280.050 Why?
Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-ets120233180.050 Why?
Genes, X-Linked120211280.050 Why?
Humans1420237438110.050 Why?
Mutant Proteins120235000.050 Why?
Karyotyping1202212430.050 Why?
Pseudopodia120201720.050 Why?
Receptors, Interleukin120212450.050 Why?
Alleles2202169340.040 Why?
Genetic Predisposition to Disease12021174390.040 Why?
Arabs120211780.040 Why?
Zebrafish2202229950.040 Why?
Xenopus120207120.040 Why?
HSP90 Heat-Shock Proteins120214340.040 Why?
Integrins120238460.040 Why?
Mice52023811540.040 Why?
Kidney Glomerulus120206970.040 Why?
Dogs1202339110.040 Why?
Podocytes120203960.040 Why?
Genes, Dominant120198800.030 Why?
Cytoplasm1202015360.030 Why?
Animals, Genetically Modified1202015520.030 Why?
Cytoskeletal Proteins1202113640.030 Why?
Animals620231686600.030 Why?
Central Nervous System1202213580.030 Why?
Mutation12019297770.030 Why?
Genetic Association Studies1202127030.030 Why?
RNA, Small Interfering1202035040.020 Why?
Mutation, Missense1202025660.020 Why?
Pedigree1201946430.020 Why?
Gestational Age1201934880.020 Why?
Pregnancy22022291400.020 Why?
Male320213497760.020 Why?
Cell Movement1202052160.020 Why?
Mice, Knockout12023145630.020 Why?
Child22023776370.010 Why?
Disease Models, Animal12022180270.010 Why?
Transcription Factors12021122090.010 Why?
Female320223800200.010 Why?
Middle Aged120192132410.000 Why?
Adult120192138890.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.