Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Jeffrey Trost, M.D.

Concepts (90)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Acute Coronary Syndrome5202223370.800 Why?
Hospitals, Teaching2201811800.540 Why?
Creatine Kinase, MB Form120152140.510 Why?
Troponin220205240.490 Why?
Unnecessary Procedures120144320.370 Why?
Chest Pain1201511140.320 Why?
Diagnostic Tests, Routine120147820.320 Why?
Academic Medical Centers2201727600.300 Why?
Cardiovascular Agents220208500.280 Why?
Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumping120062190.250 Why?
Heart Diseases2201727890.170 Why?
Myocardial Infarction32021117080.160 Why?
Heart Injuries120202100.160 Why?
Maryland220182760.160 Why?
Telemetry120172080.130 Why?
Cardiology Service, Hospital120172460.120 Why?
Intensive Care Units2201836790.120 Why?
Medical Staff, Hospital120186010.120 Why?
Hospital Charges120143620.100 Why?
Valsalva Maneuver12012920.100 Why?
Photoplethysmography12012560.100 Why?
Coronary Circulation2200815720.100 Why?
Reperfusion120122830.100 Why?
Blood Volume120125650.090 Why?
Plaque, Atherosclerotic1202115180.090 Why?
Myocardial Ischemia1202021500.090 Why?
Disease Management1202024590.090 Why?
Critical Illness2201226700.080 Why?
Fingers120125130.080 Why?
Electrocardiography2201264410.080 Why?
Medical History Taking120127820.080 Why?
Thrombosis2201229680.080 Why?
Myocardium1202047750.080 Why?
Myocardial Revascularization120118410.070 Why?
Angina, Unstable120119260.070 Why?
Coronary Artery Disease2202164850.070 Why?
Patient Admission1201413800.070 Why?
Diagnosis, Differential22012129540.070 Why?
Physical Examination1201212350.070 Why?
Oxygen Consumption1201218690.070 Why?
Secondary Prevention1201215290.070 Why?
Registries1202080900.060 Why?
Vasodilation120089440.060 Why?
Hematocrit120066360.060 Why?
Guideline Adherence1201422650.060 Why?
Thrombolytic Therapy1201221620.050 Why?
Coronary Angiography3202245760.050 Why?
Quality of Health Care1201843700.050 Why?
Humans1420227438110.050 Why?
Hemoglobins1200615310.040 Why?
Ventricular Function, Left1201236600.040 Why?
Purinergic P2Y Receptor Antagonists120223620.040 Why?
Heparin1200616370.040 Why?
Review Literature as Topic120203360.040 Why?
Middle Aged720202132410.040 Why?
Oxygen1200841890.040 Why?
Practice Guidelines as Topic1201472700.040 Why?
Coronary Artery Bypass1200622880.030 Why?
Blood Pressure2201285510.030 Why?
Male720203497760.030 Why?
Risk Reduction Behavior1202011250.030 Why?
Aged520201631780.030 Why?
American Heart Association1201710570.030 Why?
Anticoagulants1200645990.020 Why?
Coronary Vessels1202131060.020 Why?
Disease-Free Survival1202068950.020 Why?
Ventricular Dysfunction, Left1202020740.020 Why?
Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors1202230700.020 Why?
Respiration, Artificial1202025680.020 Why?
Burnout, Professional120186940.020 Why?
Female620203800200.020 Why?
Severity of Illness Index22020155260.020 Why?
Young Adult12014563920.020 Why?
Survival Rate12020127860.020 Why?
Adolescent12014857290.020 Why?
Oximetry120084710.020 Why?
Critical Care1201826470.020 Why?
Length of Stay1201863110.020 Why?
Hospital Mortality1201853160.020 Why?
Patient Readmission1201831170.010 Why?
Prevalence12020152110.010 Why?
Feasibility Studies1201250780.010 Why?
Adult120142138890.010 Why?
Acute Disease1200871500.010 Why?
Treatment Outcome12022630420.010 Why?
Animals120061686600.010 Why?
Risk Factors12020722520.010 Why?
Aged, 80 and over12017577440.010 Why?
United States12017698590.010 Why?
Retrospective Studies12017774100.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.