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Ibraheem Alshareedah, Ph.D.

Concepts (51)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
RNA7202327481.480 Why?
Nucleic Acids220231821.370 Why?
Hydrodynamics120241580.880 Why?
Ribonucleoproteins320193800.840 Why?
Nucleoproteins120201150.720 Why?
Macromolecular Substances2202014540.650 Why?
Viscosity320213280.550 Why?
Diffusion320248310.530 Why?
Peptides3202144060.440 Why?
Proteins3202260980.420 Why?
Phase Transition32022740.410 Why?
Optical Tweezers22021790.380 Why?
Lipids1202033070.330 Why?
Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching22023560.270 Why?
Surface Tension22021470.240 Why?
Physical Phenomena12024460.240 Why?
Arginine320219430.200 Why?
Spectrum Analysis120234540.190 Why?
Biophysics120213830.180 Why?
Static Electricity120192630.170 Why?
Genetic Techniques120214350.160 Why?
Physical Examination1202412350.150 Why?
Anisotropy1202012630.140 Why?
Microscopy120218960.140 Why?
Lysine1201910070.120 Why?
Multiprotein Complexes1202011200.120 Why?
Base Sequence22021127980.110 Why?
Transcriptional Activation1201917830.110 Why?
Enhancer Elements, Genetic1201913440.100 Why?
RNA-Binding Proteins1202119000.100 Why?
Estradiol1201920170.100 Why?
Sarcoma1201918980.070 Why?
Software1202144400.070 Why?
Poly U12019100.040 Why?
Nephelometry and Turbidimetry12019910.040 Why?
Cations, Divalent120191660.040 Why?
Prions120211800.040 Why?
Amino Acid Sequence22021138090.040 Why?
Thermodynamics120195950.040 Why?
Magnesium120198130.030 Why?
Surface Properties1201911680.030 Why?
Chromosomes120195960.030 Why?
Temperature1202222020.030 Why?
Particle Size1201916390.030 Why?
Microscopy, Fluorescence1201926920.030 Why?
Protein Conformation1201940090.020 Why?
Chromatin1201929310.020 Why?
Protein Binding1201993770.020 Why?
Transcription, Genetic1201977190.020 Why?
Cell Line, Tumor12019166740.010 Why?
Humans220197438110.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.