Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Neha Gupta, D.M.D.

Concepts (122)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Carcinoma, Basal Cell420245600.980 Why?
Skin Neoplasms7202458210.890 Why?
Eyelid Neoplasms12023890.810 Why?
Sweat Glands12022330.800 Why?
Dermatology420229180.670 Why?
Carcinoma, Squamous Cell2202340260.560 Why?
Hyperbilirubinemia12015740.510 Why?
Glucuronosyltransferase120151320.500 Why?
RNA Splice Sites120152110.480 Why?
Carcinoma1202223300.360 Why?
Exons1201523910.340 Why?
Early Detection of Cancer1202432010.330 Why?
Primary Health Care1202446860.290 Why?
Appointments and Schedules220204430.260 Why?
Melanoma1202457090.250 Why?
Genome, Viral220196670.240 Why?
Promoter Regions, Genetic1201557890.230 Why?
Quackery1202160.200 Why?
Internship and Residency1202258800.200 Why?
Computers, Handheld120242100.200 Why?
Parainfluenza Virus 1, Human12019250.170 Why?
Parainfluenza Virus 3, Human12019250.170 Why?
Neoplasm Staging32023111210.160 Why?
Equipment and Supplies120212730.160 Why?
Hair120214980.150 Why?
Adenovirus Infections, Human12018730.140 Why?
Hedgehog Proteins120227680.140 Why?
Alopecia120214120.140 Why?
Adrenergic beta-Antagonists2202112410.130 Why?
Commerce120216060.130 Why?
Adenoviruses, Human120182550.130 Why?
Schools, Medical120228790.130 Why?
Office Visits120195950.130 Why?
Waiting Lists120207650.120 Why?
Prognosis42023296250.120 Why?
Radiotherapy1202214990.120 Why?
Lymphatic Metastasis1202229150.110 Why?
Bilirubin120154360.110 Why?
Homozygote2201517760.110 Why?
Neoplasm Invasiveness1202235950.110 Why?
Organ Transplantation1202311570.110 Why?
Genomics2201958210.100 Why?
Lymph Nodes2202334660.100 Why?
Heterozygote2201527870.100 Why?
Humans2320247615040.090 Why?
Income1201918770.090 Why?
DNA, Viral1201822020.090 Why?
Pilot Projects1202486310.090 Why?
Surgical Procedures, Operative1202219220.090 Why?
Education, Medical, Graduate1202223730.090 Why?
Combined Modality Therapy1202285290.080 Why?
Retrospective Studies62024806360.080 Why?
Internet1202130920.080 Why?
Incidental Findings120146970.080 Why?
India1201523480.080 Why?
Sensitivity and Specificity12024146660.080 Why?
Stroke Volume2202154960.080 Why?
Hospitals1202138820.080 Why?
Insurance, Health1202024980.070 Why?
Heart Rate1201841950.070 Why?
Mutation, Missense1201525710.070 Why?
Heart Failure22021116690.060 Why?
Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide22015159360.060 Why?
Cohort Studies32024414870.060 Why?
Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma1201415510.060 Why?
Cholera120117470.060 Why?
Communicable Disease Control120118460.060 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies22022261250.060 Why?
Recombination, Genetic2201915190.060 Why?
Neoplasm Recurrence, Local1202292800.060 Why?
Philadelphia120232660.050 Why?
Risk Assessment12024239950.050 Why?
Health Services Accessibility1202054400.050 Why?
Adenocarcinoma1201963460.050 Why?
Disease Outbreaks1201117490.050 Why?
Ohio120223220.050 Why?
Algorithms32020140310.050 Why?
Female620243926440.050 Why?
Fraud12021660.050 Why?
Genome, Human1201444250.050 Why?
Phylogeny2201928110.050 Why?
Mutation22015300520.040 Why?
Evolution, Molecular2201918860.040 Why?
Colorectal Neoplasms1201969350.040 Why?
Antineoplastic Agents12022136390.040 Why?
Male620243608040.040 Why?
Middle Aged320242208950.040 Why?
Geography120196560.040 Why?
Adult320242211770.040 Why?
Sequence Analysis, DNA2201947400.040 Why?
Ventricular Function, Right120216170.040 Why?
Aged320241692890.030 Why?
Telephone120196270.030 Why?
Selection, Genetic120198680.030 Why?
Family Characteristics1201910040.030 Why?
High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing2201936390.030 Why?
Observer Variation1201926060.030 Why?
Adolescent22022883190.020 Why?
Educational Status1201925220.020 Why?
Molecular Sequence Annotation120145220.020 Why?
False Positive Reactions120149570.020 Why?
Logistic Models22018132550.020 Why?
Mutagenesis, Insertional120146560.020 Why?
Propensity Score1201819130.020 Why?
Haiti120115500.020 Why?
Young Adult12015592430.020 Why?
Neoplasm Metastasis1201949150.020 Why?
Time Factors22020399670.020 Why?
Base Sequence12018124410.020 Why?
Pedigree1201445420.020 Why?
Dose-Response Relationship, Drug12018107660.020 Why?
Aged, 80 and over22024589760.020 Why?
Computational Biology1201835180.020 Why?
Genotype12018129900.010 Why?
Disease Progression12019135060.010 Why?
United States22021723340.010 Why?
Hospitalization12021107230.010 Why?
Reproducibility of Results12019200980.010 Why?
Lung Neoplasms12024133800.010 Why?
Cell Line, Tumor12014169810.010 Why?
Risk Factors12023742060.010 Why?
Incidence12011213530.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.