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Albert Lee, Ph.D.

Concepts (60)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
CA1 Region, Hippocampal320141101.220 Why?
Pyramidal Cells520203641.160 Why?
Prefrontal Cortex3202021760.670 Why?
Basal Ganglia120185450.510 Why?
Rats, Long-Evans420203710.490 Why?
Neural Inhibition120185850.470 Why?
Memory, Short-Term120209590.470 Why?
Exploratory Behavior220142620.450 Why?
Spatial Behavior12012880.410 Why?
Hippocampus2202036850.390 Why?
Space Perception120144610.380 Why?
Memory3201421650.380 Why?
Excitatory Postsynaptic Potentials120123690.370 Why?
Intracellular Space120111960.350 Why?
Patch-Clamp Techniques220119370.310 Why?
Maze Learning220204760.270 Why?
Rats82020236810.260 Why?
Environment1201111110.240 Why?
Synapses1201217390.210 Why?
Wakefulness2201712400.190 Why?
Neural Pathways2201830130.170 Why?
Biophysical Phenomena120203210.170 Why?
Action Potentials3201417720.160 Why?
Behavior, Animal2202018430.140 Why?
Silicon120171410.140 Why?
Task Performance and Analysis120207550.140 Why?
Electrodes, Implanted220148200.140 Why?
Organ Culture Techniques120187970.130 Why?
Goals120206930.130 Why?
Electrodes120176020.130 Why?
Rats, Wistar2201118580.120 Why?
Reward120209320.110 Why?
Neurons2201792870.110 Why?
Learning1200217180.110 Why?
Poisson Distribution120145060.110 Why?
Animals920201663080.110 Why?
Orientation120143170.110 Why?
Models, Neurological1202017470.100 Why?
Neuronal Plasticity1202014200.100 Why?
Mice, Inbred C57BL22020215290.100 Why?
Calcium1202056540.070 Why?
Sleep1200246460.070 Why?
Mice, Transgenic1201894410.070 Why?
Male820203510980.060 Why?
Microelectrodes120063030.060 Why?
Membrane Potentials1200611030.050 Why?
Animals, Newborn1200626540.050 Why?
Brain12006265970.040 Why?
Brain Mapping1201465950.040 Why?
Time Factors12020395890.040 Why?
Semiconductors12017990.040 Why?
Synaptic Transmission1200211620.030 Why?
Entorhinal Cortex120172780.030 Why?
Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted1200214870.030 Why?
Rats, Sprague-Dawley1200681250.030 Why?
Mice22018800650.030 Why?
Movement1201714640.020 Why?
Neuropsychological Tests1200269310.020 Why?
Female220183821290.010 Why?
Signal Transduction12002231150.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.