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Yuta Katsumi, Ph.D.

Similar People (60)

Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity.
Name Also Co-Authors Similarity Score Why?
Charles A. Nelson, III, Ph.D.21.57
Bradford Clark Dickerson, M.D. Yes 21.24
Reisa Anne Sperling, M.D.19.29
Alvaro Pascual-Leone, M.D., Ph.D. Yes 16.91
Jeremy M. Wolfe, Ph.D.14.56
Matcheri S Keshavan, M.D.14.31
Randy Lee Buckner, Ph.D.14.04
Kerry J Ressler, M.D.,Ph.D.13.95
Bradley Theodore Hyman, M.D., Ph.D.13.85
Diego Pizzagalli, Ph.D.12.80
Keith Alan Johnson, M.D.12.28
Sharon K. Inouye, M.D. Yes 11.66
Gina Rosalind Kuperberg, M.D.10.93
Scott Laurence Rauch, M.D.9.858
Andrew E. Budson, M.D.9.747
Steven Dirk Laureys, M.D., Ph.D. Yes 9.546
Nouchine Hadjikhani, M.D.9.271
Mieke H. Verfaellie, Ph.D.9.035
Wim J.M. Vanduffel, Ph.D.8.922
Henning Tiemeier, Ph.D.8.771
David Glahn, Ph.D.8.388
Edward Ralph Marcantonio, M.D. Yes 8.263
Roger B.H. Tootell, Ph.D.7.907
David Borsook, M.B.,B.Ch., Ph.D.7.829
Margaret A. Niznikiewicz, Ph.D.7.796
Martha Elizabeth Shenton, Ph.D.7.730
Jorge Sepulcre, D.M.Sc., M.D., Ph.D.7.487
Emiliano Santarnecchi, Ph.D., Psy.D.7.221
Lawrence Leroy Wald, Ph.D.7.184
Laura Diane Kubzansky, Ph.D.7.127
Bruce R. Fischl, Ph.D.7.102
David Williams, Ph.D.7.075
Ichiro Kawachi, M.B.,Ch.B., Ph.D.6.991
Dennis J. Selkoe, M.D.6.907
Robert Stickgold, Ph.D.6.831
Michael Fox, M.D.,Ph.D.6.764
Michael Scott Esterman, Ph.D.6.751
Sydney S. Cash, M.D.,Ph.D.6.712
Stephen V. Faraone, Ph.D.6.631
Dorene May Rentz, Psy.D.6.624
Heidi Irma Louisa Jacobs, Ph.D.6.624
Steven Edward Arnold, M.D. Yes 6.408
David H. Salat, Ph.D. Yes 6.356
Bruce Rosen, M.D., Ph.D.6.329
Yakeel T. Quiroz, Ph.D.6.250
Daphne Jane Holt, M.D., Ph.D.6.118
Rudolph Emile Tanzi, Ph.D.6.025
Emery Neal Brown, M.D., Ph.D.5.924
Vitaly J. Napadow, Ph.D.5.886
Jeremy Dan Schmahmann, M.B.Ch.B.5.874
Jonathan R. Polimeni, Ph.D.5.819
Simon Keith Warfield, Ph.D.5.810
Kirk R. Daffner, M.D.5.771
Felipe Fregni, M.D.5.719
Paola Arlotta, Ph.D.5.604
Michael Brandon Westover, M.D.,Ph.D.5.588
Alexandra Touroutoglou, Ph.D. Yes 5.528
Rohit Bakshi, M.D.5.449
Mohammad Arfan Ikram5.375
Jasmeer Preet Chhatwal, M.D.,Ph.D.5.352
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.