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KwangHyun Hur, Ph.D.

Concepts (87)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Hernia, Ventral220101760.150 Why?
Suicide4200814760.140 Why?
Antidepressive Agents5201028370.130 Why?
Motor Skills320125220.110 Why?
Deep Brain Stimulation220127610.110 Why?
Parkinson Disease3201227850.110 Why?
Globus Pallidus220102530.100 Why?
Central Nervous System Stimulants1201911480.100 Why?
Sample Size120148410.090 Why?
Subthalamic Nucleus220101880.090 Why?
Poisson Distribution220105130.090 Why?
Seroma12009710.090 Why?
Suicide, Attempted3201912180.080 Why?
Electric Stimulation Therapy120106050.060 Why?
Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity1201936550.060 Why?
Product Surveillance, Postmarketing120084300.060 Why?
Drug Approval120107420.060 Why?
United States Department of Veterans Affairs120078750.050 Why?
Drug Prescriptions3200716360.050 Why?
Medical Records1200714120.050 Why?
Laparoscopy2201021480.050 Why?
Models, Statistical2201451000.050 Why?
Depressive Disorder3200737440.040 Why?
Population Surveillance1201026140.040 Why?
Research Design1201459830.040 Why?
Longitudinal Studies12014139800.040 Why?
Quality of Life32012127880.030 Why?
Antidepressive Agents, Tricyclic220074340.030 Why?
Hemodynamics1200441970.030 Why?
Postoperative Complications22010152810.020 Why?
Suicidal Ideation1201912460.020 Why?
Age Distribution2200728990.020 Why?
Drug Utilization2200711830.020 Why?
Intention to Treat Analysis120104260.020 Why?
Brain Mapping1200466220.020 Why?
Single-Blind Method1201215860.020 Why?
Sex Factors32007103940.020 Why?
Bayes Theorem2200623070.020 Why?
Male1120193497760.020 Why?
Middle Aged820192132410.020 Why?
European Union120071580.020 Why?
Female1120193800200.020 Why?
Regression Analysis2200764570.020 Why?
Age Factors32007183550.020 Why?
Risk Assessment12007233270.020 Why?
United States52019698590.020 Why?
Drug Labeling120072330.020 Why?
Diagnosis-Related Groups120064550.020 Why?
Meta-Analysis as Topic1201013400.020 Why?
Aged720121631780.020 Why?
Health Status Indicators120109700.020 Why?
Likelihood Functions1200710040.010 Why?
Humans1420197438110.010 Why?
Propensity Score1201017810.010 Why?
Child42019776370.010 Why?
Netherlands1200721700.010 Why?
Cognition2201067590.010 Why?
Cohort Studies22019405450.010 Why?
Community Mental Health Services120053860.010 Why?
Activities of Daily Living1201024190.010 Why?
Health Care Surveys1200824530.010 Why?
Surgical Wound Infection1201015390.010 Why?
Pain Measurement1201034200.010 Why?
Treatment Outcome32012630420.010 Why?
Mood Disorders1200611040.010 Why?
Follow-Up Studies22012390010.010 Why?
United States Food and Drug Administration1200715820.010 Why?
Health Services Accessibility2200651360.010 Why?
Adolescent42007857290.010 Why?
Surgical Procedures, Operative1200918770.010 Why?
Income1200619130.010 Why?
Brain12004263450.010 Why?
Adult420192138890.010 Why?
Prospective Studies22012532500.010 Why?
Multivariate Analysis12009122430.010 Why?
Models, Neurological1200417710.010 Why?
Comorbidity12009103800.010 Why?
Odds Ratio1200798480.010 Why?
Cause of Death1200535800.010 Why?
Linear Models1200459520.010 Why?
Child, Preschool22006409640.010 Why?
Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic1201099440.010 Why?
Body Mass Index12010127180.010 Why?
Incidence12009209480.010 Why?
Logistic Models12005134040.010 Why?
Algorithms12008138690.000 Why?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging12004354090.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.