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Olawande Chinedu Olagoke, Ph.D.

Concepts (60)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Cockroaches62024972.550 Why?
Streptozocin320241941.690 Why?
Acetylcholinesterase520241561.410 Why?
Oxidative Stress5202431061.130 Why?
Oxidation-Reduction5202422220.960 Why?
Catalase320222160.930 Why?
Sodium Glutamate22020230.900 Why?
Glutathione Transferase320215650.800 Why?
Curcumin12022990.770 Why?
Glucose Transport Proteins, Facilitative12020570.730 Why?
Antioxidants4202216670.590 Why?
Locomotion120203870.580 Why?
Behavior, Animal3202418660.560 Why?
Drosophila melanogaster3202217100.490 Why?
Monoamine Oxidase220241780.460 Why?
Phylogeny1202027750.430 Why?
Stomach Ulcer220231230.400 Why?
Solanum nigrum2202220.400 Why?
Solanum2202280.390 Why?
Methylmercury Compounds220201020.320 Why?
Glucose1202043510.320 Why?
Bromates2202320.280 Why?
Nymph1202450.240 Why?
Silver Nitrate12024130.240 Why?
Mercuric Chloride12024170.240 Why?
Sulfhydryl Compounds220222990.230 Why?
Silver120241200.220 Why?
NF-E2-Related Factor 2220223760.210 Why?
Mercury120242900.190 Why?
Glutathione220215820.190 Why?
Cholinesterase Inhibitors120222380.180 Why?
Neurotransmitter Agents120246630.180 Why?
Rats, Wistar1202318500.170 Why?
Reactive Oxygen Species2202421380.160 Why?
Hypothyroidism120236650.160 Why?
Signal Transduction12021233760.150 Why?
Neurotoxicity Syndromes120212990.140 Why?
Animals1220241679630.140 Why?
Antibiotics, Antineoplastic120206750.140 Why?
NF-kappa B2202124880.130 Why?
Memory Disorders1202211970.120 Why?
Up-Regulation2202141220.120 Why?
Brain22024269510.120 Why?
Wound Healing1202327880.100 Why?
RNA, Messenger22021127660.080 Why?
Dose-Response Relationship, Drug12021108270.080 Why?
Cytokines1202173430.070 Why?
Vegetables2202211960.060 Why?
Inflammation22021107560.060 Why?
Gene Expression Regulation12020119030.050 Why?
Gastric Mucosa120235990.050 Why?
Aluminum120211520.050 Why?
Thyroxine120236670.040 Why?
Caspases120218780.040 Why?
Thyroidectomy120239020.040 Why?
Reperfusion Injury1202310230.040 Why?
Rats22023237110.030 Why?
Down-Regulation1202029130.030 Why?
Diet2202180100.030 Why?
Male120233597440.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.