Address | Latitude | Longitude | Name(s) |
Beth Israel Deaconess Med Ctr Medicine - YA 419, 330 Brookline Ave, Boston, MA 02215 | 42.3402277 | -71.105854 | Mark Lawrence Zeidel, M.D. |
Seth Leo Alper, M.D., Ph.D. |
George C. Tsokos, M.D. |
Lewis C. Cantley, Ph.D. |
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center C L S 612, 330 Brookline Ave, Boston, MA 02215 | 42.337 | -71.11 | Simon Christopher Robson, M.B.Ch.B., Ph.D.
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center DOM Div of Endo, CLS 737, 330 Brookline Ave, Boston, MA 02215 | 42.337896 | -71.1072493 | Shingo Kajimura, Ph.D. |
Alan N. Engelman, Ph.D. |
Matthew George Vander Heiden, M.D., Ph.D. |
Joseph Gerard Sodroski, M.D. |
Brigham and Women 26952 Middle Golf Drive, Davis, CA 95618 | 42.3351037 | -71.1061649 | Paul Denney Allen, M.D., Ph.D.
Brigham and Women's Hospital Div of Preventive Medicine, 3rd Fl, 900 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02215 | 42.3519521 | -71.1243705 | JoAnn Manson, Dr.P.H., M.D.
BWH-Endocrine 221 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.337105 | -71.102317 | Edward Meigs Brown, M.D. |
Joanne Sadowski Ingwall, Ph.D. |
Children's Program in Cellular and Molecular Medicine, CLS 03-103, 3 Blackfan Circle, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.338499 | -71.10446 | Timothy Alan Springer, Ph.D.
Childrens Hospital GI Cell Biology, Enders 720, 300 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.337436 | -71.105447 | Wayne Isaac Lencer, M.D. |
Carlo Brugnara, M.D. |
Daniel Solomon Kohane, M.D.,Ph.D. |
Children's Hospital Enders 1309, 320 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.3379 | -71.1059 | David Clapham, M.D., Ph.D.
Dept. of Bio Chem & Mol Pharm Bcmp, 240 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.335886 | -71.105146 | Gerhard Wagner, Ph.D. |
James M. Hogle, Ph.D. |
Steven P. Gygi, Ph.D. |
Harvard FAS Chemistry & Chem Biology, Naito Building, Room 104, 12 Oxford St, Cambridge, MA 02138 | 42.377756 | -71.115242 | Daniel Kahne, Ph.D.
Harvard FAS Molecular & Cell Biology, 200 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.338372 | -71.103269 | Norbert Perrimon, Ph.D. |
Dennis J. Selkoe, M.D. |
Harvard Inst of Medicine Microbiology and Immunobiology, Room 1025, 4 Blackfan Cir, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.335945 | -71.102958 | David Z. Rudner, Ph.D. |
Marc W. Kirschner, Ph.D. |
Timothy J. Mitchison, Ph.D. |
R. John Collier, Ph.D. |
Max L. Nibert, M.D., Ph.D. |
Gary Yellen, Ph.D. |
Tomas Leopold Kirchhausen, Ph.D. |
Harvard Inst of Medicine Rm. 540, 4 Blackfan Cir, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.3607 | -71.1009 | Marcia Beurman Goldberg, M.D.
Harvard Medical School B C M P, Sgm 123, 250 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.3373886 | -71.1043729 | Simon Jenni, Ph.D. |
Stephen Coplan Harrison, Ph.D. |
Harvard Medical School Cell Biology, Rm 613, 45 Shattuck St, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.3359001 | -71.1054662 | Tom A. Rapoport, Ph.D.
Harvard Medical School Dept of Neurobiology, 220 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.3360204 | -71.1034325 | Wade G. Regehr, Ph.D. |
Bruce Palmer Bean, Ph.D. |
Harvard School of Public Health Bldg 1 RM 704, 665 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.3354757 | -71.1014834 | Alan F. Cowman, Ph.D.
Joslin Diabetes Center Research Division, One Joslin Place, Boston, MA 02215 | 42.338396 | -71.108403 | Laurie Joy Goodyear, Ph.D. |
C. Ronald Kahn, M.D. |
Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infrm Otology & Laryngology, 243 Charles St, Boston, MA 02114 | 42.362532 | -71.07031 | Michael John McKenna, M.D.
Massachusetts General Hospital 415 Wellman, Surgery, 55 Fruit St, Boston, MA 02114 | 42.362417 | -71.068937 | Elena Aristarkhova, Ph.D. |
Ion Hobai, M.D., Ph.D. |
Kathleen Joan Sweadner, Ph.D. |
Massachusetts General Hospital Cardiovascular Research Ctr 4100A, 149 13th Street, Charlestown, MA 02129 | 42.3773 | -71.0525 | Antonis A. Armoundas, Ph.D. |
Sylvie Breton, Ph.D. |
Massachusetts General Hospital Program in Membrane Biology, Simches Research Center, 185 Cambridge St, Boston, MA 02114 | 42.361257 | -71.065527 | Dennis Brown, Ph.D.
MIT - Bldg E25-342 Cambridge, MA 02139 | 42.360539 | -71.090074 | Robert S. Langer, Sc.D.
Schepens Eye Research Inst. 20 Staniford St., Boston, MA 02114 | 42.362 | -71.0644 | Darlene Ann Dartt, Ph.D.
VA Boston Healthcare System W. Roxbury VA Med Ctr, Bldg. 3, Room 2B111, 1400 VFW Pkwy, West Roxbury, MA 02132 | 42.2891961 | -71.1703262 | Aldebaran Hofer, Ph.D.