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Yiqing Wang, Ph.D.

Concepts (61)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Potassium, Dietary12020960.750 Why?
Urbanization120201040.710 Why?
Fatty Acids, Volatile120201020.710 Why?
Glutens120212300.660 Why?
Metabolome220208950.590 Why?
Plasma120205750.590 Why?
Sodium, Dietary120204180.580 Why?
Obesity, Abdominal120193610.560 Why?
Waist Circumference120199170.530 Why?
Blood Pressure2202085510.490 Why?
Adiposity1202018060.370 Why?
Hypertension2202084790.360 Why?
China3202022450.360 Why?
Cognition1202167700.230 Why?
Sulfur Compounds12021310.200 Why?
Adenomatous Polyps120211070.190 Why?
Discriminant Analysis120202350.180 Why?
Bacteria2202121150.180 Why?
Fermentation120201440.180 Why?
Waist-Hip Ratio120205170.170 Why?
Chromatography, Liquid120209760.140 Why?
Diet Surveys1202011730.140 Why?
Colonic Polyps120215420.140 Why?
Dietary Fiber120207600.140 Why?
Metabolic Networks and Pathways120207830.140 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies32020250390.130 Why?
Dietary Carbohydrates120209050.130 Why?
Precancerous Conditions120219750.120 Why?
Cardiovascular Diseases12019151600.110 Why?
Mass Spectrometry1202022040.110 Why?
Middle Aged720212133900.110 Why?
Diet2202179370.110 Why?
Adult720212140520.110 Why?
Urban Population1202020220.100 Why?
Colon1202017720.100 Why?
Metabolomics1202014850.100 Why?
Aged520201632880.100 Why?
Female820213801930.090 Why?
Linear Models1201959530.090 Why?
Overweight1202023710.080 Why?
Male620203501150.080 Why?
Cohort Studies22021405590.070 Why?
Socioeconomic Factors1202077850.070 Why?
Risk Factors32021722960.060 Why?
Humans820217443660.060 Why?
Age Factors12021183730.060 Why?
Exercise1202056150.060 Why?
Longitudinal Studies12019139910.060 Why?
Body Mass Index12020127210.050 Why?
Colorectal Neoplasms1202167730.050 Why?
Time Factors22021400750.050 Why?
Incidence12019209520.050 Why?
Hydrogen Sulfide120211370.050 Why?
Prospective Studies22021532900.040 Why?
Follow-Up Studies12019390520.040 Why?
United States22021698720.030 Why?
Age of Onset1202132700.030 Why?
Aged, 80 and over12019577760.030 Why?
Young Adult12019564290.030 Why?
Adolescent12019857790.020 Why?
Risk Assessment12021233360.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.