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Adrian J. Priesol, M.D.

Concepts (79)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Vestibular Diseases620172301.060 Why?
Motion Perception520193740.650 Why?
Reflex, Vestibulo-Ocular32014860.630 Why?
Vestibular Function Tests220191280.520 Why?
Vertigo520192020.360 Why?
Sensory Thresholds220173770.210 Why?
Dizziness320172590.200 Why?
Migraine Disorders4201917000.200 Why?
Artificial Intelligence1201525780.180 Why?
Vestibular Nuclei12019220.170 Why?
Vestibule, Labyrinth220122340.160 Why?
Promethazine12017290.150 Why?
Excitatory Amino Acid Antagonists120004480.150 Why?
Head Movements320141520.140 Why?
Histamine H1 Antagonists120171000.140 Why?
Otolithic Membrane22019380.140 Why?
Space Perception220174650.130 Why?
Semicircular Canals220192030.120 Why?
Algorithms12015140260.120 Why?
Ear, Inner120174250.110 Why?
Orientation120123210.090 Why?
Tilt-Table Test12011790.090 Why?
Movement2201914780.090 Why?
Postural Balance120156210.090 Why?
Motion120127790.080 Why?
Rotation220115170.070 Why?
Vestibular Nerve120041010.060 Why?
Cats220049750.050 Why?
Eye Movements220045110.050 Why?
Receptors, Kainic Acid12000910.040 Why?
Sensitivity and Specificity12015146640.040 Why?
Receptors, AMPA120003360.040 Why?
Serotonin 5-HT1 Receptor Agonists12017420.040 Why?
Wakefulness1200412650.030 Why?
Tryptamines12017930.030 Why?
Action Potentials1200418340.030 Why?
Oxazolidinones12017980.030 Why?
Case-Control Studies12014221680.030 Why?
Sleep Stages120006940.030 Why?
Infant, Newborn12015262120.030 Why?
Receptors, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate120008940.030 Why?
Brain Stem120008580.030 Why?
Calcium Channel Blockers120176940.030 Why?
Psychoacoustics12012550.030 Why?
Infant12015362050.030 Why?
Child, Preschool12015422540.020 Why?
Electric Stimulation2201017360.020 Why?
Young Adult22017592070.020 Why?
Kinesthesis12011220.020 Why?
Trigeminal Nuclei12011390.020 Why?
Adrenergic beta-Antagonists1201712410.020 Why?
Head-Down Tilt12011650.020 Why?
Motion Sickness12011320.020 Why?
Auditory Threshold120123690.020 Why?
Adult520192211480.020 Why?
Acceleration120111890.020 Why?
Aged, 80 and over12015589560.020 Why?
Neural Pathways1200030570.020 Why?
Humans920197614230.020 Why?
Headache1201712560.020 Why?
Spiral Ganglion120101770.020 Why?
Migraine with Aura120112030.020 Why?
Infrared Rays120102470.020 Why?
Acoustic Stimulation1201212350.020 Why?
Asymptomatic Diseases120115870.020 Why?
Child12015801620.020 Why?
Adolescent12015883130.020 Why?
Retrospective Studies12015805820.020 Why?
Functional Laterality1201222560.020 Why?
Photic Stimulation1201019850.010 Why?
Middle Aged220152208260.010 Why?
Models, Neurological1201117670.010 Why?
Aged120151692350.010 Why?
Neurons2201094620.010 Why?
Reaction Time1200420800.010 Why?
Male420193607360.010 Why?
Animals320101684410.010 Why?
Female420193925810.010 Why?
Quality of Life12017133610.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.