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Yue Wu, Ph.D.

Concepts (84)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Gold720194791.450 Why?
Metal Nanoparticles320193971.060 Why?
Phototherapy520233680.880 Why?
Pyridoxal Phosphate120181240.600 Why?
Intercellular Junctions120181970.600 Why?
Nanotubes42017770.540 Why?
Isotope Labeling120143920.410 Why?
Tandem Mass Spectrometry2201811860.410 Why?
Actins1201820490.370 Why?
Flow Cytometry1201958640.320 Why?
Peptides1201843400.260 Why?
Proteomics4201738160.260 Why?
Lasers220199510.230 Why?
Particle Size3201916410.180 Why?
HeLa Cells2201830950.170 Why?
Escherichia coli Proteins2201810650.160 Why?
Tryptophanase1201860.160 Why?
Infrared Rays120182450.140 Why?
Chromatography, Affinity120185340.140 Why?
Hyperthermia, Induced220174160.140 Why?
Photochemotherapy120238190.140 Why?
Tumor Cells, Cultured3201861280.130 Why?
Protein Stability120185670.130 Why?
Phenylalanine120163650.120 Why?
Biological Transport1201920830.120 Why?
Alkaline Phosphatase120188660.120 Why?
Spectrum Analysis, Raman120162370.120 Why?
Rifampin120163390.120 Why?
Integrins120178360.100 Why?
Cytoskeleton1201711670.100 Why?
Lysine120169980.100 Why?
Cell Movement3201852010.100 Why?
Equipment Design1201935010.100 Why?
Cell Survival2201857820.090 Why?
Cell Line, Tumor42023168910.090 Why?
Cell Nucleus1201729050.080 Why?
Antitubercular Agents1201613730.070 Why?
Metabolomics1201616290.070 Why?
Neoplasms32023219900.070 Why?
Cell Proliferation22018104160.060 Why?
Mycobacterium tuberculosis1201619030.060 Why?
Drug Delivery Systems1201622110.060 Why?
Carcinoma, Squamous Cell2201740210.060 Why?
Luminescence120231080.050 Why?
Head and Neck Neoplasms1201728820.050 Why?
Ovarian Neoplasms1201748730.040 Why?
Membrane Proteins1201678410.040 Why?
Photosensitizing Agents120236180.040 Why?
Borohydrides12016320.040 Why?
Antineoplastic Agents22017136030.040 Why?
Spinacia oleracea12016120.040 Why?
Rhodophyta12016100.040 Why?
Photosystem II Protein Complex12016180.040 Why?
Cyanobacteria12016500.030 Why?
Actomyosin120171090.030 Why?
Myoglobin120161590.030 Why?
Microscopy, Atomic Force120172470.030 Why?
Formaldehyde120163580.030 Why?
Disulfides120174650.030 Why?
Drug Screening Assays, Antitumor120177140.030 Why?
Surface Properties1201611590.030 Why?
Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid1201615390.030 Why?
Humans720197576500.030 Why?
Mouth Neoplasms120175930.020 Why?
Crystallography, X-Ray1201619750.020 Why?
Cytoskeletal Proteins1201713420.020 Why?
Cell Death1201616670.020 Why?
Apoptosis2201794690.020 Why?
Cell Adhesion1201730900.020 Why?
Mice, Nude1201736020.020 Why?
Protein Structure, Tertiary1201637950.020 Why?
Neoplasm Invasiveness1201735950.020 Why?
Xenograft Model Antitumor Assays1201735750.020 Why?
Mice, Inbred BALB C1201762090.020 Why?
Mice32023811070.020 Why?
Host-Pathogen Interactions1201614440.020 Why?
Neoplasm Metastasis1201748880.020 Why?
Female320193899850.020 Why?
Combined Modality Therapy1201785150.020 Why?
Tuberculosis1201620010.010 Why?
Animals320231677770.010 Why?
Cell Line12016155940.010 Why?
Macrophages1201657360.010 Why?
Time Factors12016398150.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.