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Rajesh Kumar Rai, M.P.H.

Concepts (131)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
India30202223362.230 Why?
Rural Population11202222681.830 Why?
Folic Acid6202213091.220 Why?
Anemia, Iron-Deficiency320223681.170 Why?
Iron5202217861.070 Why?
Nutritional Status4202216071.050 Why?
Thinness320204911.030 Why?
Malnutrition320206400.980 Why?
Infant Mortality620227570.960 Why?
Mothers5202221860.880 Why?
Overweight6202024210.810 Why?
Blood Group Antigens120221870.740 Why?
Prehypertension12020630.680 Why?
Dietary Supplements7202233920.640 Why?
Rural Health120202960.630 Why?
Iron, Dietary120181480.570 Why?
Socioeconomic Factors8202078060.560 Why?
Infant, Small for Gestational Age120194600.560 Why?
Infant, Low Birth Weight120218590.530 Why?
Body Mass Index62020129140.500 Why?
Prenatal Care1202211290.490 Why?
Life Cycle Stages120141600.440 Why?
Health Surveys6202040630.410 Why?
Anemia1202215110.410 Why?
Health Plan Implementation120143350.370 Why?
Pregnancy122022297490.370 Why?
Social Class2201720050.370 Why?
Delivery, Obstetric120179320.360 Why?
Maternal Health Services220134550.360 Why?
Public Health2202026530.350 Why?
Child Health Services220136440.350 Why?
Nutrition Policy120144700.350 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies142022259420.330 Why?
Healthcare Disparities2201633880.320 Why?
Child Welfare120135160.320 Why?
Food Supply120145420.310 Why?
Prevalence82020156870.290 Why?
Premature Birth1201917710.290 Why?
Young Adult172020587410.290 Why?
Adolescent182022878100.270 Why?
Obesity52020129220.250 Why?
Infant, Newborn72021261810.250 Why?
Female3020223912700.230 Why?
Urban Population1201220220.230 Why?
Birth Weight3202120970.230 Why?
Hypertension2202285940.220 Why?
Pregnancy Complications1201729420.210 Why?
Educational Status3202025150.210 Why?
Prospective Studies72022543030.200 Why?
Insurance Coverage1201319390.190 Why?
Food, Fortified120221890.180 Why?
Adult1920222199940.180 Why?
Male2220223597440.170 Why?
Tobacco Use Disorder220167000.170 Why?
Risk Factors82020743590.170 Why?
Humans3120227606210.170 Why?
Infant52022360600.160 Why?
Child72022798060.160 Why?
Sex Factors52020105470.160 Why?
Micronutrients120223810.160 Why?
Prenatal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena120201590.160 Why?
Mental Disorders1201767960.150 Why?
Life Style2202038960.140 Why?
Autopsy1202010070.140 Why?
Halitosis12016130.140 Why?
Middle Aged1620222203520.130 Why?
Incidence32020213920.130 Why?
Diet1201480100.130 Why?
Asia120176200.130 Why?
Sex Distribution1202022950.120 Why?
Pregnancy in Adolescence120161620.120 Why?
Crops, Agricultural12014360.120 Why?
Women's Rights12014650.110 Why?
Logistic Models32017133140.110 Why?
Blood Pressure2202085250.110 Why?
Alcohol-Related Disorders120152350.110 Why?
Cough120165950.100 Why?
Family Planning Services120142650.090 Why?
Fatty Liver120167780.090 Why?
Marriage120123500.090 Why?
Cause of Death1202037250.090 Why?
Patient Compliance1202026880.090 Why?
Triglycerides1201724760.090 Why?
Activities of Daily Living1201924170.080 Why?
Health Expenditures1202223620.080 Why?
Mortality1202029160.080 Why?
Family Characteristics1201410010.080 Why?
Vulnerable Populations120146960.080 Why?
Health Care Surveys2201324350.080 Why?
Cholesterol1201729240.080 Why?
Health Promotion1202022060.080 Why?
Patient Acceptance of Health Care1202231640.080 Why?
Family Health1201212570.070 Why?
Health Status Disparities1201918300.070 Why?
Health Behavior1201726220.070 Why?
Population Surveillance1201626080.070 Why?
Risk Assessment22020241230.060 Why?
Self Report1201637110.060 Why?
Child, Preschool22020420630.060 Why?
Chronic Disease1201992870.060 Why?
Age Factors22018184160.060 Why?
Adolescent Behavior1201211750.050 Why?
Blood Glucose1201763810.050 Why?
Disease Progression12020135020.050 Why?
Aged720221691520.050 Why?
Women's Health1201220560.050 Why?
Cohort Studies32019413350.050 Why?
Exercise1201757870.050 Why?
Pain1201650660.050 Why?
Smoking1201790730.050 Why?
Poverty1201226950.040 Why?
Quality Improvement1201438360.040 Why?
Time Factors12020401650.040 Why?
Birth Intervals12013510.030 Why?
Birth Order12013950.030 Why?
Maternal Welfare120121120.020 Why?
Treatment Outcome12018650170.020 Why?
Cardiovascular Diseases12016157570.020 Why?
Maternal Age120138070.020 Why?
Causality1201612420.020 Why?
Personal Autonomy120123020.020 Why?
Nutrition Surveys1201617250.020 Why?
Alcoholism1201519610.010 Why?
Models, Statistical1201950750.010 Why?
Odds Ratio1201697160.010 Why?
Comorbidity12016105510.010 Why?
Follow-Up Studies12022392610.010 Why?
Longitudinal Studies12016144950.010 Why?
Multivariate Analysis12013121590.010 Why?
Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice1201239860.010 Why?
Aged, 80 and over12019589950.010 Why?
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Concepts (131)
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.