Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Mitchell Robinson, Ph.D.

Similar People (60)

Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity.
Name Also Co-Authors Similarity Score Why?
Maria A. Franceschini, Ph.D. Yes 4.032
Harald Paganetti, Ph.D.3.187
Seok-Hyun Yun, Ph.D.2.598
Stefan A. Carp, Ph.D. Yes 2.448
Marcelo F. Di Carli, M.D.2.380
Lawrence Leroy Wald, Ph.D.1.961
Helen Alice Shih, M.D.1.714
Mark Lawrence Zeidel, M.D.1.690
Ross I. Berbeco, Ph.D.1.688
Ofer Pasternak, Ph.D.1.485
Gregory D Lewis, M.D.1.475
Torunn I. Yock, M.D.1.446
Shannon Michelle MacDonald, M.D.1.425
Aaron Bradley Waxman, M.D., Ph.D.1.374
Elazer Reuven Edelman, M.D., Ph.D.1.301
Jan Patrick Oscar Schuemann, Ph.D.1.278
Thomas F. Delaney, M.D.1.256
Lev T. Perelman, Ph.D.1.253
Simon Gelman, M.D., Ph.D.1.230
Peter D. Caravan, Ph.D.1.201
Emery Neal Brown, M.D., Ph.D.1.192
Sava Sakadzic, Ph.D. Yes 1.172
Mandeep R Mehra, M.B.,B.S.1.156
Bob Liu, Ph.D.1.145
Arthur Reshad Garan, M.D.1.122
David C. Alsop, Ph.D.1.117
David Andrew Morrow, M.D.1.106
Jonathan R. Polimeni, Ph.D.1.1
Fides Regina Schwartz, M.D., M.D.1.054
Guillermo James Tearney, M.D., Ph.D.1.047
Bruce Rosen, M.D., Ph.D.1.025
Peter Howard Stone, M.D.0.973
Jason Alexander Efstathiou, M.D., Ph.D.0.963
Mehmet Toner, Ph.D.0.935
Rakesh K. Jain, Ph.D.0.931
Clemens Grassberger, Ph.D.0.929
Robert Vincent Mulkern, Ph.D.0.928
Alphonse G. Taghian, M.D., Ph.D.0.928
Thomas Heldt, Ph.D.0.927
Lewis Arnold Lipsitz, M.D.0.890
Ron Blankstein, M.D.0.861
Wesley Philip Wong, Ph.D.0.842
Philipp Honegger, Ph.D.0.833
Reza Nezafat, Ph.D.0.818
Ralph Weissleder, M.D., Ph.D.0.774
Deepak L. Bhatt, M.D.0.769
Yue-Houng Hu, Ph.D.0.759
Dennis Brown, Ph.D.0.756
Susie Yi Huang, M.D., Ph.D.0.746
Theodore Sunki Hong, M.D.0.730
Marco Renna, Ph.D. Yes 0.728
Martin Villiger, Ph.D.0.725
James A. DiNardo, M.D.0.690
Igor F. Palacios, M.D.0.677
David Jay Anick, M.D., Ph.D.0.667
Mustafa Unal, Ph.D.0.657
Cenk Ayata, M.D.0.654
Brian Winey, Ph.D.0.644
Daniel Chiu, M.D.0.642
Michael M. Givertz, M.D.0.637
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.