Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Nicholas A Clark, Ph.D.

Concepts (96)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Clinical Alarms12023520.860 Why?
Oximetry120234710.700 Why?
Hospitalists120213040.590 Why?
Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome120205460.530 Why?
Teaching Rounds120192530.500 Why?
Physicians, Primary Care120215920.500 Why?
Efficiency, Organizational120196950.480 Why?
Data Mining120175370.430 Why?
Hospitals, Pediatric4202317750.420 Why?
Intensive Care Units, Pediatric120199810.420 Why?
Software4202244400.330 Why?
Patient Care Team1201925280.300 Why?
Dose-Response Relationship, Drug12017109400.260 Why?
Pandemics2202183850.200 Why?
Cataloging1201780.160 Why?
Child72023776370.150 Why?
Systems Biology220184700.150 Why?
Drug Discovery2202210580.150 Why?
Length of Stay2202063110.140 Why?
Monitoring, Physiologic1202317380.130 Why?
Interprofessional Relations1202110090.130 Why?
User-Computer Interface2201914310.130 Why?
Calcium-Binding Proteins1202010810.130 Why?
Quality Improvement2202037500.120 Why?
Infant, Low Birth Weight120198480.120 Why?
Hospital Costs120209850.120 Why?
Mammals1202011430.120 Why?
Outpatients1202114880.120 Why?
Small Molecule Libraries120197180.110 Why?
Hospitalization32023102590.110 Why?
Mass Spectrometry1202022030.110 Why?
Reproducibility of Results22023198940.110 Why?
Infant42021351220.100 Why?
Autophagy1202012960.100 Why?
Checklist120198320.100 Why?
Continuity of Patient Care1201910490.100 Why?
TOR Serine-Threonine Kinases1202021100.090 Why?
Proteomics2202036390.090 Why?
Health Expenditures1202223480.090 Why?
Infant, Premature1201920310.090 Why?
Terminal Care1202016940.080 Why?
Patient Discharge1202133170.080 Why?
Echocardiography1202050960.080 Why?
Communication1202137480.070 Why?
Sepsis1202125930.070 Why?
Retrospective Studies52022774100.070 Why?
Humans1520237438110.070 Why?
Palliative Care1202034900.070 Why?
Cell Line12017159930.060 Why?
Computational Biology3202235150.050 Why?
Databases, Factual1201877290.050 Why?
Neoplasms22022216750.050 Why?
Substance-Related Disorders1201942540.050 Why?
Child, Preschool22021409640.050 Why?
Transcription Factors12020122090.040 Why?
Antineoplastic Agents12022136910.040 Why?
Postoperative Complications12021152810.040 Why?
Staining and Labeling1202210980.040 Why?
Workflow120228470.040 Why?
Microscopy120228960.040 Why?
Signal Transduction12020233980.040 Why?
Cell Biology12018920.040 Why?
High-Throughput Screening Assays120229440.040 Why?
Conserved Sequence1202012020.030 Why?
Adolescent22021857290.030 Why?
Gene Library1201710740.030 Why?
Microtubule-Associated Proteins1202010830.030 Why?
Causality1202112750.030 Why?
National Health Programs120174450.030 Why?
National Institutes of Health (U.S.)120177810.030 Why?
Embryo, Mammalian1202017020.030 Why?
Cell Survival1202258810.030 Why?
Epigenomics120189030.030 Why?
United States42022698590.030 Why?
Information Storage and Retrieval120178240.030 Why?
Databases, Genetic1201817820.020 Why?
HEK293 Cells1202042040.020 Why?
Fibroblasts1202041620.020 Why?
Animals220201686600.020 Why?
Medical Oncology1202022670.020 Why?
Saccharomyces cerevisiae1202027500.020 Why?
Medicaid1202227360.020 Why?
Amino Acid Sequence12020138090.020 Why?
Protein Binding1202093770.020 Why?
Cohort Studies22021405450.020 Why?
Chronic Disease1202291390.020 Why?
Comorbidity12021103800.020 Why?
Protein Kinase Inhibitors1201955320.010 Why?
Gene Expression Profiling1201794400.010 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies12022250320.010 Why?
Quality of Life12020127880.010 Why?
Infant, Newborn12019256090.010 Why?
Mice12020811540.010 Why?
Male220213497760.010 Why?
Risk Factors12019722520.010 Why?
Female220213800200.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.