Harvard Catalyst Profiles

Contact, publication, and social network information about Harvard faculty and fellows.

Hassan Saeed Dashti, Ph.D.

Co-Authors (69)

Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Co-Authors are listed by decreasing relevence which is based on the number of co-publications and the years which they were written.
Name Most Recent
Number of
Co-Author Score Why?
Richa Saxena, Ph.D.20245311.740 Why?
Frank A.J.L. Scheer, Ph.D.2024233.060 Why?
Anne N. Thorndike, M.D.202352.870 Why?
Jacqueline Lane, Ph.D.2023191.720 Why?
Susan Redline, M.D.2024151.620 Why?
Elizabeth Wood Karlson, M.D.202251.570 Why?
Brian E. Cade, Ph.D.2024121.530 Why?
Henning Tiemeier, Ph.D.202071.060 Why?
Danielle E Haslam, Ph.D.202130.860 Why?
Heming Wang, Ph.D.202280.780 Why?
Douglas Edward Levy, Ph.D.202350.720 Why?
Marie-France Hivert, M.D.202340.670 Why?
Hanna Maria Ollila, Ph.D.202460.650 Why?
John Weyl Winkelman, M.D., Ph.D.202440.570 Why?
Oscar Franco, D.Sc., Ph.D.202080.520 Why?
Peng Li, Ph.D.202320.470 Why?
Aaron Si Arn Leong, M.D.202320.440 Why?
Daniel J Gottlieb, M.D.201930.420 Why?
Shaun Purcell, Ph.D.202460.410 Why?
Tianyi Huang, D.Sc.202340.370 Why?
Lu Qi, M.D., Ph.D.201950.330 Why?
Jose Carlos Florez, M.D.,Ph.D.202240.310 Why?
Albert Hofman, M.D., Ph.D.201850.290 Why?
Tamar Sofer, Ph.D.202450.270 Why?
Miriam Udler, M.D.,Ph.D.202120.240 Why?
Alexandra Nicole Carey, M.D.202310.230 Why?
Hao Deng, M.D.202310.230 Why?
Michael Brandon Westover, M.D.,Ph.D.202310.220 Why?
Dan Chasman, Ph.D.202150.220 Why?
Jingyi Qian, Ph.D.202110.190 Why?
Paul M. Ridker, M.D.202140.170 Why?
Eva S Schernhammer, D.P.H., M.D.202130.140 Why?
James Benjamin Meigs, M.D.202130.130 Why?
Paul Franks, Ph.D.202320.100 Why?
Krishna G Aragam, M.D.201920.090 Why?
Julie Elizabeth Buring, Sc.D.201920.080 Why?
Kenneth J. Mukamal, M.D.201920.080 Why?
Mark Joseph Daly, Ph.D.202410.060 Why?
Tariq Faquih, Ph.D.202410.060 Why?
Linda Michele Delahanty, M.S.202310.060 Why?
Lei Gao, M.D.202310.060 Why?
Cynthia Tchio, Ph.D.202310.060 Why?
Rebecca Robbins, Ph.D.202310.060 Why?
Robert Joseph Thomas, M.D.202310.060 Why?
Sydney S. Cash, M.D.,Ph.D.202310.060 Why?
Oluwaseun Johnson-Akeju, M.D.202310.060 Why?
Timothy Houle, Ph.D.202310.060 Why?
Wolfgang Ganglberger, Ph.D.202310.060 Why?
Peter Libby, M.D.202210.050 Why?
Milena Kamenova Pavlova, M.D.202210.050 Why?
Eric Bruce Rimm, Sc.D.202110.050 Why?
JoAnn Manson, Dr.P.H., M.D.202110.050 Why?
Samia Mora, M.D.202110.050 Why?
Peter Kraft, Ph.D.201910.040 Why?
Majken Karoline Jensen, Ph.D.201910.040 Why?
Frank B. Hu, M.D., Ph.D.201910.040 Why?
Meir Jonathan Stampfer, Dr.P.H., M.D.201910.040 Why?
Marta Guasch-Ferre, Ph.D.201910.040 Why?
Christina Ellervik, D.M.Sc., D.P.D., M.D.201910.040 Why?
Qibin Qi, Ph.D.201810.040 Why?
Hilary Kiyo Finucane, Ph.D.201810.040 Why?
Zak Kohane, M.D.,Ph.D.201810.040 Why?
Erin Cathleen Dunn, D.Sc.201810.040 Why?
Jordan W Smoller, M.D., S.D.201810.040 Why?
Roy Howard Perlis, M.D.201810.040 Why?
Luc Djousse, D.Sc., M.D.201710.040 Why?
Aarno Palotie, M.D., Ph.D.201710.040 Why?
Vincent Jaddoe, Ph.D.201610.030 Why?
Akhgar Ghassabian, Ph.D.201610.030 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.