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Toni H. Golen, M.D.

Concepts (136)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Cesarean Section7202113651.220 Why?
Fetal Monitoring22021701.170 Why?
Dystocia12022340.850 Why?
Birth Injuries120221480.760 Why?
Delivery, Obstetric720229060.720 Why?
Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Hospital22017430.530 Why?
Interior Design and Furnishings12014340.500 Why?
Hospital Design and Construction12014330.490 Why?
Pregnancy Complications, Infectious3202120270.490 Why?
Preventive Health Services120195750.480 Why?
Labor, Obstetric420213330.450 Why?
Quality Improvement7202037500.390 Why?
Urinary Incontinence120154960.380 Why?
Heart Rate, Fetal12010750.370 Why?
Pregnancy212022291400.330 Why?
Electrocardiography1202164410.310 Why?
Guideline Adherence2201822650.260 Why?
Academic Medical Centers2201827600.250 Why?
Infection Control220209640.220 Why?
Mastitis22013410.220 Why?
Health Services Accessibility1201951360.210 Why?
Surgical Wound Infection1201115390.210 Why?
Workflow220208470.200 Why?
Obstetrics320206570.200 Why?
Blood Glucose1201562590.190 Why?
Uterine Contraction12021930.190 Why?
Anesthesia Department, Hospital12020680.180 Why?
Asymptomatic Infections120201280.170 Why?
Documentation220198710.170 Why?
Infant, Newborn72022256090.170 Why?
Abscess220136070.170 Why?
Thorax120215470.160 Why?
Reproductive Health Services12019800.160 Why?
Lymphopenia120202850.160 Why?
Delivery Rooms12018330.160 Why?
Models, Organizational220205740.160 Why?
Anesthesia, Obstetrical120202350.150 Why?
Labor, Induced120181460.150 Why?
Meconium Aspiration Syndrome12016290.150 Why?
Censuses120182000.140 Why?
Diabetes Mellitus1201557520.140 Why?
Checklist220218320.140 Why?
Fibrinogen120198940.140 Why?
Postpartum Hemorrhage120192580.140 Why?
Obstetric Labor, Premature120172780.130 Why?
Female2520223800200.130 Why?
Hospital Records12015950.130 Why?
Office Visits120195980.120 Why?
Patient Care Management120183060.120 Why?
Health Care Rationing120184370.120 Why?
Staphylococcus aureus2201314530.120 Why?
Patient Care Team3202125280.120 Why?
Poisson Distribution120155130.120 Why?
Staphylococcal Infections2201314000.110 Why?
Ambulatory Care Facilities120199340.110 Why?
Infant, Premature, Diseases120187030.110 Why?
Hospitals2201639530.100 Why?
Intensive Care Units, Neonatal120187780.100 Why?
Language1202114680.100 Why?
Organizational Innovation120145590.100 Why?
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (U.S.)12010260.100 Why?
Pregnancy Outcome1202127940.100 Why?
Humans2720227438110.090 Why?
Organizational Culture120145100.090 Why?
Knowledge120121810.090 Why?
Education, Continuing120101120.090 Why?
Patient Participation1201914570.090 Why?
Postpartum Period2201310860.090 Why?
Obstetric Labor Complications120122380.090 Why?
Ambulatory Care1202027070.080 Why?
Interdisciplinary Communication120149500.080 Why?
Workplace120148360.080 Why?
Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical1201513200.080 Why?
Prenatal Care1201510920.080 Why?
Communication1202137480.070 Why?
Cooperative Behavior1201415030.070 Why?
Quality Assurance, Health Care1201622110.060 Why?
Adult1020212138890.060 Why?
Premature Birth1201717220.060 Why?
Computer Simulation1201861880.060 Why?
Telemedicine1202028740.060 Why?
Electronic Health Records1201944670.050 Why?
Coronavirus Infections1202031340.050 Why?
Delivery of Health Care1202053190.050 Why?
Pneumonia, Viral1202032410.050 Why?
Boston1201493100.050 Why?
Longitudinal Studies12016139800.050 Why?
Time Factors42019400380.050 Why?
United States42020698590.040 Why?
Education, Medical1201217220.040 Why?
Gestational Age2201834880.040 Why?
Practice Guidelines as Topic2201872700.040 Why?
Prevalence12015152110.040 Why?
Lymphocyte Count120207930.040 Why?
Term Birth120181350.040 Why?
Parity120219290.040 Why?
Bed Occupancy12017410.040 Why?
Prospective Studies22011532500.040 Why?
Critical Pathways120204760.040 Why?
Clinical Competence1201246870.030 Why?
Treatment Outcome12021630420.030 Why?
Massachusetts2201986600.030 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies12015250320.030 Why?
Nurse's Role120162090.030 Why?
Risk Factors32017722520.030 Why?
Personnel Staffing and Scheduling120174990.030 Why?
Gynecology120195120.030 Why?
Case-Control Studies32019217330.030 Why?
Cohort Studies42019405450.030 Why?
Qualitative Research1202126820.030 Why?
Incidence32017209480.030 Why?
Young Adult22015563920.030 Why?
ROC Curve1201935270.030 Why?
Retrospective Studies42021774100.020 Why?
Aged, 80 and over12015577440.020 Why?
Quality Indicators, Health Care1202018310.020 Why?
Patient Simulation120123090.020 Why?
Infant, Premature1201820310.020 Why?
HIV Infections12015167150.020 Why?
Middle Aged320192132410.020 Why?
Health Services120137580.020 Why?
Linear Models1201859520.020 Why?
Odds Ratio1201798480.020 Why?
Cost of Illness1201318590.010 Why?
Aged120151631780.010 Why?
Logistic Models12018134040.010 Why?
Models, Statistical1201751000.010 Why?
Breast1201119700.010 Why?
Healthcare Disparities1201731550.010 Why?
Hospitalization12020102590.010 Why?
Quality of Health Care1201643700.010 Why?
Pandemics1202083850.010 Why?
Health Care Costs1201332070.010 Why?
Male320193497760.010 Why?
Physicians1201245690.010 Why?
Follow-Up Studies12012390010.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.