Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Saurabha Bhatnagar, M.D.

Concepts (119)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Sensation Disorders120191590.600 Why?
Physicians, Women620194910.600 Why?
Awards and Prizes620193590.580 Why?
Multiple Trauma120193710.530 Why?
Central Nervous System Agents12016750.510 Why?
Veterans2202026280.310 Why?
Bicycling220211760.200 Why?
Societies, Medical6201838900.180 Why?
Neurology220197750.180 Why?
Accidents, Traffic320218140.180 Why?
Brain Injuries3201520430.160 Why?
Brain Concussion2202013870.160 Why?
National Cancer Institute (U.S.)120192950.150 Why?
Nutritional Requirements120192750.150 Why?
Diagnostic Self Evaluation120192250.150 Why?
Athletic Injuries2201911940.150 Why?
Cancer Care Facilities120194240.140 Why?
Craniocerebral Trauma120194910.120 Why?
Advisory Committees120187880.120 Why?
Hypopituitarism120152480.110 Why?
Personal Satisfaction120176420.110 Why?
Counseling1201915500.100 Why?
Patient Education as Topic1201923090.080 Why?
Disease Management1201924950.080 Why?
Athletes1201511170.080 Why?
Wounds, Gunshot120145810.070 Why?
Health Expenditures1202023540.070 Why?
Sex Ratio220181070.070 Why?
Needs Assessment3201811370.070 Why?
Patient Acceptance of Health Care1202031520.070 Why?
Firearms120146250.070 Why?
Combined Modality Therapy2201685480.070 Why?
Students1201517180.060 Why?
Recovery of Function1201529790.060 Why?
Clinical Competence1202047750.060 Why?
Radiation Oncology120095600.050 Why?
Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic1202045250.050 Why?
Prokaryotic Cells12002500.050 Why?
Brachytherapy1200912390.050 Why?
Health Care Costs1201432530.050 Why?
Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity1201536930.040 Why?
United States82020722380.040 Why?
Databases, Protein120023880.040 Why?
Endometrial Neoplasms1200913620.040 Why?
Humans1820217590980.040 Why?
Head Protective Devices120191180.040 Why?
Trauma Severity Indices120204770.040 Why?
Search Engine120191380.040 Why?
Academies and Institutes120193190.030 Why?
Accreditation120204740.030 Why?
Brain Hemorrhage, Traumatic12015180.030 Why?
Publications120181930.030 Why?
Female1320213901740.030 Why?
Sex Factors22020105150.030 Why?
Health Services120207540.030 Why?
Diabetes Insipidus120151440.030 Why?
Adrenal Insufficiency120151920.030 Why?
Socioeconomic Factors2202077900.030 Why?
Congresses as Topic120188020.030 Why?
Fear1202114610.030 Why?
History, 21st Century1201815740.020 Why?
Breast Neoplasms12019210190.020 Why?
Delivery of Health Care, Integrated120199330.020 Why?
Military Personnel1202012390.020 Why?
Human Growth Hormone120156370.020 Why?
Hypothyroidism120156660.020 Why?
History, 20th Century1201827750.020 Why?
Faculty, Medical1201811850.020 Why?
Hypogonadism120158000.020 Why?
Leadership1201813680.020 Why?
Medicine120179430.020 Why?
Incidence22019213440.020 Why?
Self Report1201936990.020 Why?
Treatment Outcome12015648670.020 Why?
Male720203586020.020 Why?
Education, Medical, Graduate1202023520.020 Why?
Periodicals as Topic1201814690.020 Why?
Health Status1202040790.020 Why?
Anxiety1202145270.020 Why?
Young Adult32020584770.020 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies22018258530.020 Why?
Mental Health1202031950.020 Why?
Chronic Disease1202092450.020 Why?
Adolescent32020875510.020 Why?
Animals120161675310.010 Why?
Radiotherapy, Adjuvant1200917850.010 Why?
Adult420202193530.010 Why?
Hysterectomy120099030.010 Why?
Seizures1201529080.010 Why?
Radiotherapy, Intensity-Modulated120098010.010 Why?
Health Services Accessibility1201953660.010 Why?
Sequence Homology120021950.010 Why?
Computer Graphics120023410.010 Why?
Cerebral Cortex1201557540.010 Why?
Methylation1200210800.010 Why?
Chemotaxis120025980.010 Why?
Signal Transduction12002233280.010 Why?
Multigene Family1200210790.010 Why?
Conserved Sequence1200211670.010 Why?
Body Mass Index12015128710.010 Why?
Registries1201484350.010 Why?
Information Storage and Retrieval120028210.010 Why?
Retrospective Studies22015801250.010 Why?
Prospective Studies12020541900.010 Why?
Time Factors12017400830.010 Why?
Protein Structure, Tertiary1200238000.010 Why?
Protein Kinases1200216120.010 Why?
Emergency Service, Hospital1201477880.010 Why?
Neoplasm Staging12009111250.010 Why?
Genome1200217390.010 Why?
Tomography, X-Ray Computed12015204610.010 Why?
Phosphorylation1200283120.010 Why?
Internet1200230730.010 Why?
Risk Factors12015741670.000 Why?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging12015361640.000 Why?
Child12015796040.000 Why?
Proteins1200260240.000 Why?
Aged120151686150.000 Why?
Middle Aged120152196280.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.