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Amanda C Guidon, M.D.

Similar People (60)

Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity.
Name Also Co-Authors Similarity Score Why?
Pushpa Narayanaswami, M.B.,B.S.72.39
Anthony A. Amato, M.D. Yes 49.93
David Westfall Bates, M.D.40.18
Eric Joseph Rubin, M.D., Ph.D.24.68
Mariana Concepcion Castells, M.D., Ph.D.22.71
Seward Brian Rutkove, M.D.22.66
Frank Stephen Hodi, M.D.21.96
Toni K. Choueiri, M.D.21.18
Christopher Timothy Doughty, M.D. Yes 20.18
John H Stone, M.D.20.03
Paul Gerard Guy Richardson, M.B.,B.S.19.24
Kerry Lynn Reynolds, M.D. Yes 16.85
Steven A. Greenberg, M.D.15.80
Kimberly Gold Blumenthal, M.D.14.49
Tomas G Neilan, M.D. Yes 14.23
Deepak L. Bhatt, M.D.14.00
Steven Jay Burden, Ph.D.13.86
Michael Lawrence Dougan, M.D.,Ph.D. Yes 12.58
Kenneth Carl Anderson, M.D.12.53
Keith Thomas Flaherty, M.D.12.44
David Francis McDermott, M.D.12.09
Patrick Alexander Ott, M.D., Ph.D.12.04
Allan H Ropper, M.D.11.88
Steven Tzewei Chen, M.D. Yes 11.73
Farrah J Mateen, M.D., Ph.D.11.72
Carlos Arturo Camargo, Jr., Dr.P.H., M.D.11.62
Sara Michell Tolaney, M.D.11.41
Anne Louise Oaklander, M.D., Ph.D.11.28
Basil T. Darras, M.D.11.16
Howard Lee Weiner, M.D.10.88
Howard L. Kaufman, M.D.10.86
William Samuel David, M.D.,Ph.D. Yes 10.78
Mark Awad, M.D., Ph.D.10.04
Cameron Dorrans Wright, M.D.10.03
Aleena Banerji, M.D.9.875
Ashwin N Ananthakrishnan, M.B.,B.S.9.762
Nicole Renee Leboeuf, M.D. Yes 9.716
Lindsey Robert Baden, M.D.9.524
Paul M. Ridker, M.D.9.260
Rakesh K. Jain, Ph.D.9.091
Cecilia Larocca, M.D.9.019
Ramin Khorasani, M.D.,C.M.9.011
David Allen Reardon, M.D. Yes 8.712
Nimesh A Patel, M.D.8.441
Jane Wimpfheimer Newburger, M.D.8.421
Galit Alter, Ph.D.8.385
Kari C Nadeau, M.D., Ph.D.8.380
Daniel Hal Solomon, M.D.8.377
Jeffrey Andrew Sparks, M.D.8.376
Meghan Elizabeth Sise, M.D. Yes 8.330
Dan Hung Barouch, M.D.8.292
Jennifer A. Ligibel, M.D.8.254
Clifford Woolf, M.B.,B.Ch., Ph.D.8.224
Cesar Virgen, M.D.8.194
Roy Freeman, M.B.Ch.B.8.186
Michelle A Williams, Sc.D.8.024
Biagio Ricciuti, M.D.8.014
Tanuja Chitnis, M.D.7.997
Jorge Castillo, M.D.7.982
Mizuki Nishino Hatabu, M.D.7.953
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.