Harvard Catalyst Profiles

Contact, publication, and social network information about Harvard faculty and fellows.

Benjamin Ian Bearnot, M.D.

Co-Authors (46)

Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Co-Authors are listed by decreasing relevence which is based on the number of co-publications and the years which they were written.
Name Most Recent
Number of
Co-Author Score Why?
Travis Paul Baggett, M.D.201931.570 Why?
Nancy Ann Rigotti, M.D.202271.240 Why?
Joanna M Streck, Ph.D.202251.060 Why?
Mohammad S. Jalali, Ph.D.202340.910 Why?
Elyse R Park, Ph.D.202220.760 Why?
Erin Janelle Stringfellow, Ph.D.202340.740 Why?
Jorge Alberto Rodriguez, M.D.201810.670 Why?
Molly Leah Paras, M.D.202230.480 Why?
Ingrid Valerie Bassett, M.D.201540.450 Why?
Sarah Elizabeth Wakeman, M.D.202270.370 Why?
Danielle Fine, M.D.201920.360 Why?
Susan Regan, Ph.D.202260.280 Why?
Darshali Vyas, M.D.202220.270 Why?
Kenneth Alan Freedberg, M.D.201540.250 Why?
Evin Yucel, M.D.202210.220 Why?
Elena Losina, Ph.D.201540.210 Why?
Sara M. Kalkhoran, M.D.202240.210 Why?
Priya Sarin Gupta, M.D.202240.210 Why?
George Andrew Alba, M.D.202110.210 Why?
Vaughan Wallis Rees, Ph.D.201910.180 Why?
Mladen Nisavic, M.D.201910.170 Why?
Tse Yang Lim, Ph.D.202330.170 Why?
David Michael Dudzinski, M.D.202230.160 Why?
Arminder S Jassar, M.D.202230.160 Why?
David A. Peak, M.D., M.D.201710.150 Why?
Michael Karim Mansour, M.D., Ph.D.201710.150 Why?
Suzanne McCluskey, M.D.201710.150 Why?
Alexandra B. Kimball, M.D.201610.150 Why?
Sachin Jatin Shah, M.D.201610.150 Why?
William Schmitt, M.D.201610.150 Why?
Salim S. Abdool Karim, M.B.,Ch.B., M.Med., Ph.D.201510.130 Why?
Matthew Gartland, M.D.201410.130 Why?
Lucas Xavier Marinacci, M.D.202220.110 Why?
Rebecca Kathryn McHugh, Ph.D.202210.050 Why?
Emily Kathleen Zern, M.D.202210.050 Why?
Chenpang Soong, M.D.,Ph.D.202210.050 Why?
Sandra Bliss Nelson, M.D.202210.050 Why?
Virginia Athena Triant, M.D.202210.050 Why?
Jarvis T. Chen, Sc.D.201910.040 Why?
Sheila Filan Bond, M.D.201710.040 Why?
Vic Chiappa, M.D.201710.040 Why?
Kent Balanis Lewandrowski, M.D.201710.040 Why?
Jatin Mahesh Vyas, M.D., Ph.D.201710.040 Why?
Blair W. Fosburgh, M.D.201610.040 Why?
Andrew S Hwang, M.D.201610.040 Why?
Jeffrey Michael Ashburner, Ph.D.201610.040 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.