Harvard Catalyst Profiles

Contact, publication, and social network information about Harvard faculty and fellows.

Raina Nakova Fichorova, M.D., Ph.D.

Co-Authors (104)

Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Co-Authors are listed by decreasing relevence which is based on the number of co-publications and the years which they were written.
Name Most Recent
Number of
Co-Author Score Why?
Alan Leviton, M.D.2021504.520 Why?
Daniel William Cramer, M.D., Sc.D.2021101.930 Why?
Andrew Bruce Onderdonk, Ph.D.201781.470 Why?
Laura Cox, Ph.D.201921.330 Why?
Anne Shee CC Lee, M.D.202421.090 Why?
Kenneth Hugh Mayer, M.D.202141.020 Why?
Max L. Nibert, M.D., Ph.D.201560.920 Why?
Sarbattama Sen, M.D.202440.850 Why?
Kathryn Lynne Terry, Sc.D.202170.790 Why?
Naoko Sasamoto, M.D.202140.760 Why?
Florina Haimovici, M.D.201820.660 Why?
Katherine Burdick, Ph.D.202240.640 Why?
Mary Louise Rodriguez Delaney, M.A.201650.580 Why?
Thomas Frederick McElrath, M.D., Ph.D.202480.490 Why?
Terrie Eleanor Inder, M.B.,Ch.B., M.D.202420.460 Why?
Emily Oken, M.D.202440.390 Why?
Sara Cherkerzian, Sc.D.202440.390 Why?
Hooman Mirzakhani, M.D., Ph.D.202330.350 Why?
Rachel Kelly, Ph.D.202230.340 Why?
Jessica Harder, M.D.202230.310 Why?
Russell Paul Goodman, D.Phil., M.D.201230.310 Why?
Charles A. Nelson, III, Ph.D.202430.300 Why?
Scott Tillman Weiss, M.D.202350.290 Why?
Mandy Brown Belfort, M.D.202220.260 Why?
Praful Kumar Ravi, M.B.,BChir202310.240 Why?
Gerald Bryan Pier, Ph.D.201330.230 Why?
Robert Barbieri, M.D.202210.220 Why?
Sarah Feldman, M.D.202210.220 Why?
Stephanie J. Alimena, M.D.202210.220 Why?
Amy Peters, Ph.D.202210.210 Why?
Hadine Joffe, M.D.202110.210 Why?
Ross Stuart Berkowitz, M.D.201220.210 Why?
Wafaie W. Fawzi202110.210 Why?
Jonathan Lewis Hecht, M.D., Ph.D.201150.200 Why?
Melis Nuray Anahtar, M.D., Ph.D.202220.190 Why?
Vatche A Minassian, M.D.201910.180 Why?
Janis Louise Anderson, Ph.D.201810.160 Why?
Catherine Racowsky, Ph.D.201810.160 Why?
Elizabeth Sarah Ginsburg, M.D.201810.160 Why?
Kevin G. Friedman, M.D.201810.160 Why?
Louise Edith Wilkins-Haug, M.D., Ph.D.201810.160 Why?
Ofer Levy, M.D., Ph.D.201710.150 Why?
David Dowling, Ph.D.201710.150 Why?
Tomasz Kula, Ph.D.201220.140 Why?
Lewis Arnold Lipsitz, M.D.201510.140 Why?
Utkan Demirci, Ph.D.201510.140 Why?
Douglas Kwon, M.D.,Ph.D.201510.130 Why?
Stephanie Hanson Guseh, M.D.201410.130 Why?
Athe Michael Noel Tsibris, M.D.201410.130 Why?
Deborah K. Vanderveen, M.D.201930.130 Why?
Carmen L. Soto, M.D.201410.130 Why?
Umakanth A. Katwa, M.B.,B.S., M.D.201410.120 Why?
Colette Cywes-Bentley, Ph.D.201310.120 Why?
Philip Kantoff, M.D.201440.110 Why?
Carlos Arturo Camargo, Jr., Dr.P.H., M.D.202220.100 Why?
Lorelei Mucci, Sc.D.201830.100 Why?
Joseph J Locascio, Ph.D.202120.100 Why?
Bernard Alfred Rosner, Ph.D.201920.090 Why?
Ana Babic, Ph.D.201920.090 Why?
Kevin Meyer Elias, M.D.202220.080 Why?
Antonio Rosario Gargiulo, M.D.200410.060 Why?
Michael S.D. Agus, M.D.201420.060 Why?
Michele R Hacker, Sc.D.202410.060 Why?
David Cantonwine, Ph.D.202410.060 Why?
Mary Margaret Herlihy, M.D.202410.060 Why?
Kathryn P Gray, Ph.D.201420.060 Why?
Barrett Jon Rollins, M.D., Ph.D.200310.060 Why?
Shehzad Sultan Basaria, M.B.,B.S., M.D.202310.060 Why?
Bradley McGregor, M.D.202310.060 Why?
Vincent James Carey, Ph.D.202310.060 Why?
David Brian Sykes, M.D., Ph.D.202310.060 Why?
Jelena Milosevic, Ph.D.202310.060 Why?
Andrew Alan Nierenberg, M.D.202210.050 Why?
Steven David Freedman, M.D., Ph.D.202110.050 Why?
Clare M. Baecher-Allan, Ph.D.202010.050 Why?
Sunil Chauhan, Ph.D.202010.050 Why?
Wayne Tworetzky, M.B.,Ch.B.201810.040 Why?
Lynn A. Sleeper, Sc.D.201810.040 Why?
Annette Scheid, M.D.201710.040 Why?
Al Ozonoff, Ph.D.201710.040 Why?
Simon D van Haren, Ph.D.201710.040 Why?
Pagona Lagiou, M.D., Ph.D.201610.040 Why?
Kenneth Marc Kaye, M.D.201510.030 Why?
Duane Wesemann, M.D., Ph.D.201510.030 Why?
Daryl Tan-Yeung Lau, M.D.201510.030 Why?
Steven Craig Schachter, M.D.201510.030 Why?
Daniel Robert Kuritzkes, M.D.201510.030 Why?
Mary Elizabeth Morris, M.D., Ph.D.201510.030 Why?
Curtis Huttenhower, Ph.D.201510.030 Why?
Musie Syum Ghebremichael, Ph.D.201510.030 Why?
Krista Louise Dong, M.D.201510.030 Why?
Bruce David Walker, M.D.201510.030 Why?
Elizabeth H Byrne, M.D.201510.030 Why?
Sarah Rae Easter, M.D.201410.030 Why?
Leonard Allan Rappaport, M.D.201410.030 Why?
Mark Edward Alexander, M.D.201410.030 Why?
Ingrid Adele Holm, M.D.201410.030 Why?
Wendy S. Garrett, M.D., Ph.D.201310.030 Why?
Maria Ericsson, B.S.201310.030 Why?
John M Asara, Ph.D.201310.030 Why?
Joseph A. Majzoub, M.D.201110.030 Why?
Taylor Susanne Freret, M.D.201110.030 Why?
Gregory Paul Priebe, M.D.200910.020 Why?
Ruth Ellen Tuomala199810.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.